PD SuperNova + USB Keyboard?


Aug 25, 2012
I recently bought a leather folding portfolio w/a USB keyboard for my PD Supernova. I connected the keyboard to the tablet USB port and nothing... Is there some magic incantation needed to get the keyboard recognized? My previous tablet automatically detected it upon insertion... Inquiring minds.....

Definitely let us know if you get this to work. Which cover/keyboard did you buy?


I don't think it has a brand.. Here's a link to eBay from the vendor I bought it from

8" Leather Case with USB keyboard & Pen Tablet EPAD APAD SUPERPAD Tablet PC | eBay

It's a very well made faux leather case, and a nice small usb keyboard, which by the way, worked perfectly when plugged into my
laptop and desktop. Of course the manufacturer provides a full-size USB Male A connector vs the mini-USB male needed on most
tablets. I bought a USB Female-A to Mini-USB male adapter, and when plugged into the PDSN USB port, nothing happens. I can
open text editor and try typing something and the only keyboard that works is the screen keyboard. I've had two previous Android
tablets and BOTH of them recognized and used a USB keyboard when one was connected. Since nobody here seems to know anything
about this, I guess I'll check out PanDigitals tech support... Will advise IF and when I get some info from them...

Oh, I also found this note related to using a USB keyboard with another tablet. Not sure if it applies to the Supernova or not.

The tablet is setup so that whenever you will be using the keyboard you will have to set it up! So with the machine on and the keyboard plugged into the tablet you select "settings" on the main screen. On the next screen you will need to scroll down to "Advanced Settings". On the next screen you will scroll down to "USB BUS MODE" and deselect the button removing the green check mark. You then select the Curved arrow on the side above the silver button wich backs you back out to the main screen. Now whenerver you open a screen requiring key imput you will be able to use the keyboard. There's three led's at the top right side of the keyboard. They only come on when you select something on the board like "NUM LOCK". Since there's no information about all this stuff I don't know what the other two lights are for!

Lovely.. As I said earlier in the thread, I've had two "whitebox" android tablets, the first was a 7" "Zeepad", and when I connected a keyboard up to it via USB, it worked right out of the chute. Alas, I got carried away one day at Starbucks and left the damn thing behind.. Discovered the problem about 2 blocks down the street, went back and oops it was gone.. I'd just bought it several days before so I hadn't gotten around to installing the PreyProject loss-tracking app on it.. Things might have been different if I had.. quite a nice little tablet.. The second one I had for a few days, and sent back to the vendor, as it would constantly reboot itself, but prior to sending it back, I tried a USB keyboard on it, and it too, worked right off.. I put a request in on the PanDigital website asking about this issue.. Got an automated email in a few minutes saying someone would be in touch within 72 hours.. 72 hours elapsed quite a while ago... nothing.. I guess I shouldn't be surprised.. EVERYbody is that way nowadays..
The Amazon link above looks EXACTLY like the package I bought on eBay, except for being about $7 more.. The Amazon one actually mentions the Pandigital SuperNova.. The notes in the Amazon ad for that package indicates not to buy the case/keyboard if your tablet is not listed.. Geez I wonder if Pandigital has some bogus weird USB interface...
Update: After 7 days (vs the 24-48 HOURS they state on their webpage), Pandigital replied to my question, basically saying (in very BAD engrish) any USB keyboard works with the PDSN. Which is bogus, since the keyboard/case I bought DOES NOT work with the tablet, yet works perfectly when I connect it to a laptop or desktop system. I was all set to order the one listed above from Amazon IF they said that only certain keyboards work with their tablets.... I think I'm gonna pawn this tablet off on one of the kids and buy a real tablet...
you need a usb otg cable you can obtain one for about 3 to 5 $ on ebay or make one if you have extra cables laying around i made a few of these and got them to work and 95% of usb keyboards ands mice work with both supernova & supernova dlx
you need a usb otg cable you can obtain one for about 3 to 5 $ on ebay or make one if you have extra cables laying around i made a few of these and got them to work and 95% of usb keyboards ands mice work with both supernova & supernova dlx

I assume an "otg" usb cable is something google-able..

Thanks for the info
I recently bought a leather folding portfolio w/a USB keyboard for my PD Supernova. I connected the keyboard to the tablet USB port and nothing... Is there some magic incantation needed to get the keyboard recognized? My previous tablet automatically detected it upon insertion... Inquiring minds.....


Hi I have a pandigital supernova, I bought a keyboard usb tablet on ebay, what I did was to go to keyboard settings and removed all the check marks on all the keyboard listed, the tablet connected right up to the keyboard, you might try this.