Pix of Inside my dead Flytouch 3


Apr 3, 2011
I have read of a few posters requesting info on the FT3 innerds. My unit is two weeks old, and unfortunately the charger broke after the first week (diodes burned up). I used an aftermarket 5v 2000ma DC charger and ended up frying it. So now I have the latest Frytouch. I opened it up quite easily by removing the (4) screw covers along the top/bottom edges. Remove the stylus and insert a small screwdriver to begin separating the panels.

Pic 1: Underside of main board - the two batteries are labeled 8000 MaH


Pic 2: Underside of main board


Pic3; Close up of underside - showing 4gb microSD card, and Infotmic x220

I took out the 4 Gb internal memory card and took a screen shot of the base data:


As far as upgrading goes. I think its plausible to use a 16gb microSD card here. Not sure if the bios supports it tho.

Hope this helps someone.
I feel for your loss but you've spurned me on to try upping the internal SD to 8 GB(I'll also try 16GB) since the ibex FT3 has 8GB internal storage and maybe take a stab at swapping those horrendous batteries for something a bit better.
I feel for your loss but you've spurned me on to try upping the internal SD to 8 GB(I'll also try 16GB) since the ibex FT3 has 8GB internal storage and maybe take a stab at swapping those horrendous batteries for something a bit better.

Did anyone manage to upgrade the FLytouch 3 memory from 8gb to 16gb? I did that & reflashed the firmware and now Market isnt working.
i get the error message saying: Sorry, there isnt enough memory to install this item.

after upgrade i can see "3.33 GB" availible and "10.3" gb in mypad icon

any ideas?
I still haven't expanded the 4GB to fill the full 16GB. Mine still says it only has 4. I am waiting for my new touchscreen to arrive so I can use the terminal on the tablet instead of an external keyboard. Have you tried re-reflashing the firmware just to make sure something didn't go haywire? I have noticed that sometimes you have to do something more than once before it will work properly. And which firmware did you flash? Has there been a history of this happening for others (no market) who have used that firmware?
Is your touchscreen still intact ? Do you want to sell your touchscreen? I have broke mine.
for those who want to do more internal upgrades to their Flytouch/Superpad 3, here is a great site with pics

"This is not for you to start opening the FT3, if you do it will be at your own risk, this will certainly void your warranty.

1st, from top to bottom, the new speaker taken from an old not working laptop, the original FT3 speaker and the original 4GB Class 2 internal micro SDCard.

A simple image of the FT3, please note the covered round holes one at each side on the bottom, and there are two also on the top, they hide the screws that we need to take to open the FT3

The screw with the little cover taken off

After taken the screws, time to open it, the tool that i've used:

Please note: you should take off the FT3 plastic pen and the external micro sdcard if you have any before opening the FT3.

I've started by gently pushing on the top (where the camera is) like shown in the picture

then, done the same on the left side.

Now, the inside... just ignore the black cable passing next to the wireless antenna, that was my 1st attempt to change the original speakers.

dont forget to remove the touchscreen cable.

now a few pictures from the inside before removing the board. Again, the black cable, the bottom speaker and the black tape on the right speaker are not original, it was my first attempt to change the original speakers.

Now a close up to the wireless card, its a Ralink chip, (never had eared about it before...) you can also see where there was the left original speaker, and because of the plastic surrounding it i couldn't place the new speaker in there, but now i will remove the excess of plastic


Please note: Don't forget to remove the screw from the little motor that makes the vibration, it has fragile a little cable.

Some photos of the other side of the board. On some of them i've removed the micro sdcard to exchange it for a 4GB class 4, i've tested with a 8GB class 2 but with an external card of 32GB i don't need to much space on the internal micro sdcard... (either way the data partition only has 1GB even with a 8gb micro sdcard...)

The final inside photo:
I've removed the excess of plastic from the left side, with that i was able to insert there the new speaker, but unfortunately, on the right side there wasn't enough room to change the speaker, so i had no choice but left the original right speaker. I will try to find some smaller speakers...

The partition table information of the tested non original 8GB micro SDCard (Its the Disk 2)

I have not done mine I'm still waiting for the battery to arrive but for the speakers I was able to get a speaker from a dead Dell M710 mini laptop and it sounds great and I did not even bother upgrading the internal 4GB SDHC I'm using a 32GB SDHC (external).
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great pictures! Well, my charging adapter broke as well. I found a multiadpater, but I had the wrong voltage setting. So it made that noise you do not like to hear and it smells like you do not like...

Ah, is the mainboard fried now or can I replace the part where the power jack is?

Regards, Torben
Hey nice pics thanks! Gives me a good view of when I want to upgrade mine. I noticed you had the 8000mah battery... I assume that is post upgrade?

Also anyone know if putting in a 16GB class 10 card instead of 4GB a good idea? I was thinking the class 10 might increase performance.
Great post and great pictures too. Thanks for taking all that trouble to post them. A trick you might like to try when taking pictures of this sort of thing. Collect some A4 photocopy paper or similar and tape them together until you have a large ring of sheets - say in this case 30cm in diameter. Then take the tube outdoors and place it in the shade with the item to be photographed inside the ring of paper. This will provide perfect diffused light and will allow you to take excellent pictures without the need for flash. You can also try some white paper over the flash which can reduce the highlights in some instances. Hope the above is of some help sometime. Sam.
ah, thanx for not replying to my post. I did not fry my pad. Something was fried when I plugged 12v instead of 5v, but I got a new charger 5v, 3A, and the pad is charging just greae, working just great.

I've a burned my Flytouch too. I tried to charge, with bad polarity. The problem is with the element Nr.1.
Could somebody help me, that elements Nr1 and Nr2 are the same?
My Nr1:
My Nr2:
Chipwrecked's one has the same problem, see the pic 2.
I'd like tho exchange the burned part.

The other parts seems to be OK. The tablet works, but I cant charge the battery.

What's your opinion about charging the battery directly by 3,7 V adaptor? Can it works?

Thanks, Mikrobi
Did anyone manage to upgrade the FLytouch 3 memory from 8gb to 16gb? I did that & reflashed the firmware and now Market isnt working.
i get the error message saying: Sorry, there isnt enough memory to install this item.

after upgrade i can see "3.33 GB" availible and "10.3" gb in mypad icon

any ideas?

I am also having the same problem, but my tablet has come straight from the box, 16gb flytouch 2/3????
there is 3.36GB on the internal and 10.43GB in the browser as available, however the market just tells me there is not enough space to install.
Unfortunately (for me) i'm an android noob, and although i have another pad, which is why i was convinced and upgrade to a 16gb ibex was a good idea, i need a serious lesson in what i'm doing, and not at all sure i have the skills to dismantle my tablet, mess around with loading new software on the internal memory and put it all back together again without completely bricking it....

anyone care to give me a hand without having to deal with the useless Chinese con-men that sold it to me???
Looking at the pictures, I was trying to see if there are any additional USB headers where you could do a little hack and solder on a huawei 3G stick or something internally... it would be a neat little way to provide in the unit 3G support. Also could do the same for BT adapter. There is tonnes of space internally to do this. Just need additional USB headers.