Play Store Kyros 7033

Thread renamed and moved to the Coby Generation 3 forum, where you are more likely to get replies. Please read the sticky posts in the development sub-forum, as they will be of use to you.
i have the same problem aaaand, u can't, for now try others markets like getjar or 1mobile, thats is recommended by coby nad works so well
Actually, you can get the Play Store on the tablet. However, you have to use ADB to push the files to their proper locations as the internal memory is not large enough to allow for a full installation using the Play Store zips at Downloads - Browsing gapps . As to Coby's recommended alternatives to the Play Store, you have GetJar and SlideMe, not 1mobile. The 9742 also has the Amazon Appstore as an option, as it is the only Generation 3 tablet certified to use it.

GetJar should already be on the tablet. Search the forum as I did provide a link to Coby's instructions for installing SlideMe as well as the Amazon Appstore.