playstore- really?


Jan 25, 2014
I just tried to sign up for Google play store and it said there was a sync problem. While I was looking around I found that it looks like this app can have complete control of my tablet, can take pictures, vids, without telling you. It wants to be able to do anything that I can do. Is this true? How can they have this much control over my tablet? Has anybody had bad experience with Google play store doing stuff with your tablet? (That you know about!)

Not sure I want to join Google at that price.
This is the same on most platforms, for instance why would a word processor need access to your email and contacts? Well, if you want to attach the file to send it to someone from the word processing app, then yes, it will need access.

Most apps are not going to just take photos without telling you, unless it is a low budget hacker of a developer.

I hate to say it, but if it is that big of a deal then maybe you should stay away from tablets.

I know some colleagues I work with that have a piece of electrical tape over the built in camera on their laptop (for video conferencing) as they do not want "big brother" spying on them.
Keep in mind that it's not just Android. For example, if you right click a file in Windows explorer, all the items under "send to" also need permissions so the OS, for instance, needs permissioon to access your mail and several other low level operations if you send it to mail recipient.

Some, (not all) of the permissions can be founmd by reading the TOS, (the license nobody reads), when installing the software. It also applies to Apple products. It's just not as obvious.