Please help! About to drown my Nook!


Jul 5, 2011
So far:
1) Rooted my Nook 1.2 with manualnooter
2) Installed/runnning cm7 from internal memory
3) Things working great for about two weeks
4) Boom! Son playing with it while at work so I don't what happened but it froze up. He says he got an error message that told him to reboot and thereafter, it froze up.
5) Tried pretty much everything I can find on recovering a bricked nook. I've tried restoring to stock image method (both 1.1 and 1.2 versions), tried restoring to stock partioning of the internal memory thinking somehow that got screwed up, tried running stock 1.2 from SD card and then 8 reboot method to factory wipe, tried booting into CWM and re-flashing the same CM7 files which I initially flashed. I also have tried the method.

I tried the method outlined here Nook Color: Recover Any Bricked Device/return to stock | Maurice Mongeon . When I try to move over through adb, I get the following error message:

mount: mounting /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 on /emmc failed: No such file or directory.

At this point, I can boot into CWM from the SD card. Immediately on booting I get:
E:Can't mount /cache/recovery/command
E:Can't mount /cache/recovery/log
E:Can't open /cache/recovery/log
E:Can't mount /cache/recovery/last_log
E:Can't open /cache/recovery/last_log

When I try to format /system I get:
Error formatting system!

When I try to format data I get:
Error formatting data!

When I try to format /cache from the "Mount and Storage Menu", I get "Error formatting cache!"

When I "Wipe cache partition" from the main menu it says:
Formatting /cache ...
Cache wipe complete.
E:Can't mount /cache/recovery/log
E:Can't open /cache/recovery/log
E:Can't mount /cache/recovery/last_log
E:Can't open /cache/recovery/last_log

When I "Wipe dalvik cache" under advanced menu, i doesn't give me any message - it just jumps back to the main menu.

When I burn a fresh image of CWM on the SD card and I try to format data, it hangs on the "Formatting /data..." - I let it go form 3 hours and it was still stuck there.

The closest I can find to someone having something similar to me was in this thread:
I tried every fix mentioned in that thread and still come back to the fact I cannot format /system or /data. I think somehow I corrupted the /data /system /cache architecure somehow and don't know how to restore it so that I can recover/reinstall something/anything!

When I boot the Nook without an SD card, it gives me the CyanogenMod logo (with "loading..." under it) then goes to a blank screen (after a quick flash of white). When I try booting ith "n+Power" together, it gives me the CyanogenMod logo (with "Booting into recovery...") then goes into the "Install failed. <image of nook with exclamation point> Please power OFF and back ON to try again." screen.

Luckily, the nook was a present and came with the extended warranty so I'm about to "accidently spill coffee" (i.e., drown in a tub of water) my Nook since, as far as I can tell, I have boldly gone no one has gone before and actually bricked my Nook beyond any chance of recovery. However, something in my soul screams out against purposely frying an electronic device (especially one as wonderful as the the Nook). Please, can anyone come up with anything I haven't tried yet???
First, let me say that I am not as experienced as some of the folks here, but,I have a lot of time to spend on these forums so here we go:
1. Does your nook box have either a blue or green sticker on it? If so, you have one of the newest nooks with the new partition setups. Most of the "fix my bricked nook" fixes are for the old partition schemes. This sets 5 gb for system and 1 gb for sideloaded data. This could be the cause of your /data format issues.
2. Do you have the newest clockwork recovery If not, then you will need that to continue.
3. While this may not be an issue, I should mention you should be using either a class 2 or class 4 sandisk branded micro sd card. Other brands of sd cards have been shown to have random read issues which can cause problems with the nook.

The xda developers forum has some of the most talented folks in the community and they encounter these problems frequently.

There is a zip file at xda that restores the original partition layout to the internal memory of the nook and might solve the "unable to format" issue.
Look in the stickie area under the nook color for assistance there.

I will continue to search for a solution to your issue. I don't believe,short of physical damage or internal component failure, that any nook can be bricked beyond repair.

Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk
Don't know what color sticker was on box (box thrown out before I looked) but was purchase three weeks ago and came with 1.2 installed.

Tried the re-partition thing (for 1.2 is) . Am using a sandisk class 4 two gig card.

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Android Tablet Forum
No joy (with re-partitioning).
OOPS! Looks like coffee spilled.
Time to get on the phone with 1-800-THE-BOOK.

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Android Tablet Forum
Have you generally tried this?

1. Create a bootable CWR SD card using the newest CWR you can get to work if you don't have one (it sounds like you do already have one though).
2. Put this zip on the card
3. Put the zip on the card Stock 1.0.1
4. Power down insert Bootable CWR SD card, power up into CWR.
5. Wipe cache partition (continue if given errors)
6. Advanced>Wipe davlik chache (continue if errors given. If a freeze at this step hold the power button until nook powers down. Then power on right back into CWR and continue at next step).
7. Mounts and storage format system (if errors continue).
8. Mounts and storage format data (if errors continue).
9. Mounts and storage format boot (if errors contunie).
10. Apply update from sd card flash boot file zip.
11. Apply update from sd card flash Stock 1.0.1 zip
12. Unmount sd card, remove card and reboot.
13. You will probably get stuck at the n follow the 8 boot method here Flash back to clean stock ROM - nookDevs
14. Finally use the power + n button combo here NookColor UnRooting - nookDevs

This should knock everything out and get you back to clean stock.
I had mounting problem before as well because the partition was not correct (wasn't the primary and there was unallocated space on the microSD card). I used EASUS to see what partition(s) is on my sdcard and deleted everything and made 1 primary partition on the microSD card. It solved the can't mount problem for me.
I think the problem was 'resolved' with an 'unfortunate' coffee
I did try the re-partioning thing - no joy.

And yes, coffee seems to have done the trick....

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Android Tablet Forum
I get an error when I'm trying to format the data. I cannot get it to go through. I'm running the current cwm and it is a newer nook color. Any ideas?
I get an error when I'm trying to format the data. I cannot get it to go through. I'm running the current cwm and it is a newer nook color. Any ideas?

1. Please specify the version of CWM. Sometimes people think the are current then it turns out they are not.
2. Newer Nook Color could mean the new partitioning. Did the Nook come with B&N 1.2 on it or have a blue or green dot on the box? If so you need to repartition the internal memory to the old style. The link is in post 6 above.
