Please help me to identify my tablet


May 16, 2012
Hello, I've got a chinese tablet here but there's no mention of it's exact model number on box or on the tablet itself. The box says MID and on the back of the tablet Mobile Internet Devices. It runs on WM8650. It also has rear camera with flash and the menu button is rectangle not circle. it also came with adapter for usb and lan. i need original firmware for this model but i'm unable to identify this tablet. data from env_boot says this is wms8153 7 inch 2g model with vt1603 (audio) and vt1609 (touch).
please help.
Yes. my friend have this tablet phone too and she ask me to flash her tab because it is too slow (with stock fw of course).
I had tried with latest uberoid option 127 and 131. With 127 the problems is 1)cannot change time zone 2)gsm not starting after waking up from sleep mode 3) flash not working. And with option 131 the problems is 1)camera crash/not working 2)flash is always ON 3)need to calibrate touchscreen at first boot (this is very hard as this tablet have a slot type connector that you cannot connect an USB mouse!)
Do you have a solution mate? Any one? Sharing is caring. TIA:eek: