Power Leak ?


Nov 22, 2011
Is it just me or the Sony Tablet S is draining the battery at an inordinate speed when in sleep mode ? Even with Wifi mode off, if I let the tablet in sleep mode over the night with 50% or less of battery power remaining, it will most probably be dead by the morning. This seems quite a consumption for a device that is just sitting there doing nothing...
I'm having the same issues, mine didn't even last 48 hours in standby mode. I never even used it and when I went to check the battery it I had to plug it in to see 2%. Not sure what's going on. My buddy tested his iPad 2 with me and even used his and it only dropped 10% in the same amount of time. Any help would be appreciated

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Have you tried Juicedefender Ultimate? I bought it on the amazon app store a month or so ago when it was $1.99 and have had pretty good luck. (They also have the free app of the day so if you wait it out, it might come up on that). There is a free version that you could try too. I basically set a blackout period from midnight to 6 am where, unless I'm on it, it won't connect to anything. The other night I had 38% battery so I put it on the charger (which I realized in the morning was on a surge protector that was off). When I got up it was at 33%... Not to bad. Might be worth a shot.
Well, I'm even more puzzled now... I had my tablet charged to full over the night, then did something like 45 min of reading on it in the public transit on my way to work. Wifi was off. When I reached work, the battery was at 93%. Fair enough, I put it in sleep mode for the rest of the day. 8 hrs later, the battery was only down to 87% ! That's much better, and behaving as it should. I'm scratching my head to understand what have I done so differently to get this great performance...Only thing I see is that I had rebooted the tablet before charging during the night and as a result, there were absolutely no apps running in background, everything was closed except for the Kobo ereader.

Perhaps some apps are huge power hogs and killing the battery if still running...will look for some battery app to understand what's happening.

Sent from my Sony Tablet S using Android Tablet Forum
It actually IS a legitimate problem. I used mine earlier to read a few pages in one of my books & then let the screen go into standby. 2 hours later I come back & it's DEAD & the battery was around 85%+ AFTER I finished read the pages I was reading!!! I believe I already have the updated firmware but this needs to be addressed & immediately!
Just for the record, I haven't had any more power leak issues... So cause - and resolution - unknown. Perhaps that was a fluke...

Sent from my Sony Tablet S using Android Tablet Forum
I found that Social Feed Reader was chewing up my battery. So I removed my accounts from it and shut it down. Now my battery only dropped 4% in 15 hours. That seems pretty good to me.
Is it just me or the Sony Tablet S is draining the battery at an inordinate speed when in sleep mode ? Even with Wifi mode off, if I let the tablet in sleep mode over the night with 50% or less of battery power remaining, it will most probably be dead by the morning. This seems quite a consumption for a device that is just sitting there doing nothing...

I am using the Juice defender which increment the battery life, but I note that some applications are running and maybe this is the reason for which the tablet consum more energy. These applications are the sony app: sony reader, google maps, email, music, galery.... I never uses some of this, because I others , however I can't uninstall these aplications. If anyone known how to uninstall these, then I think that is possible increment more the battery life.
I am using the Juice defender which increment the battery life, but I note that some applications are running and maybe this is the reason for which the tablet consum more energy. These applications are the sony app: sony reader, google maps, email, music, galery.... I never uses some of this, because I others , however I can't uninstall these aplications. If anyone known how to uninstall these, then I think that is possible increment more the battery life.

If you are not using the applications then they shouldn't be draining the battery. There is no need to uninstall those apps. Android has pretty good built in task managing so just let it do its thing and you shouldn't have any issues with battery life. Ironically something like Juice Defender is probably adding a slight drain on your battery by constantly monitoring other apps and fighting with the Android task manager.

Biggest things you can do to improve battery life: turn down the screen brightness as low as you can tolerate, keep wifi, blue tooth and GPS off when not in use, set your screen time out to a low value, avoid live wall papers.

Tzarrr's issue sounds like a one time fluke but if you really need to extend the battery life these tips will help. Otherwise just use it and charge it when it gets low :)
I also have this battery issue, from day one if I leave the tablet S on standby it goes flat within 12 hours, even before I really used it I just charged it and left it overnight and it was very low battery the next morning. I also have an iPad2 and I leave WiFi enabled and 3G and it lasts overnight barely dropping 2%... It seems a common problem, I have applied all updates but it still drains quickly...
Why leave it on stand by that long? It boots up in just a couple minutes.

Sent from my Sony Tablet S using Android Tablet Forum
Why leave it on stand by that long? It boots up in just a couple minutes.

Sent from my Sony Tablet S using Android Tablet Forum

I find the bootup very slow, it's the slowest tablet to boot that I've experienced, even the super cheap ZTE I bought my wife boots in 1/4 the time. I have an iPad2 and it lasts very well on standby, so does the ZTE.
Definitely sounds like at least some Sonys have deep sleep issues. With properly implemented deep sleep there should be very little battery leak on android tablets. If it isn't with everybody there may be some app you have installed that is preventing deep sleep.