Price Confirmed for Motorola Xoom - $799 Unsubsidized Verizon, $600 WiFi Only Model


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

As reported by Reuters today, the Chief executive or Motorola, Sanjay Jha, confirmed the pricing for the Motorola Xoom. The unsubsidized Verizon version of the Xoom will be $799, and the W-Fi only version will come in 'around' $600. Although he did not indicate when they would start becoming available, most industry info suggests that pre-orders will start as early as tomorrow, and the Tablet should have its full launch on Thursday of next week.

Jha had this to say, "Competing with Apple you have to deliver premium products." There you have it straight from the horses mouth. Apparently those premium products come with a 'premium price'. What do you guys think? Is the Wi-Fi Only version less than you thought, more than you wanted, or right where it should be?

Source: Reuters
I am not expecting any lineups.

Motorola just doesn't have the same charisma. This is a better product than the iPad though.
$599 might entice me.... what would really entice me is waiting 6 months and seeing the price drop into the low $400's.. as it will have to to compete with other prices. Great thing about all these tablets being released, is the price will eventually drop :)
And what about the news from Engadget here ? with the Verizon's lock for Wifi or something ...

I'm from Montreal (Quebec), do you think I can go to a Best Buy US to buy one ? it's near from Montreal and I really want a Xoom since I know it's alive ^^

thanks !
I thought 800 was a bit much but 600 for wifi only version is a pretty good deal.

Given the new rumors on the Ipad 2 staying with a single core processor, this wifi only xoom is looking pretty good. Lets just hope they don't take too long to release and it doesn't have any issues.
not for the wifi only version - how would anyone be able to subscribe to that?
That ad is for the 3g model. It says so in the description.

what data subscription could they possibly make you subscribe to on the wifi only model?

As for blocking wifi on 3G model, i'm sure it's possible. I think it's kind of shady but probably something verizon negotiated.
hum ok.. thanks :)

Just wait for tomorrow.. I don't know if all the BB in US will receive the tablet and if I can make a pre-order from Montreal. I just want one ! Grr.. No date for Canada :(