Print from a TF101?


Sep 14, 2012
Hey someone out there like Spider that can direct me to the Asus transformer forum,as I need some answers/advice (or something similar)on if it is possible to hook up a printer to my tf101,I have had some next to useless advice from the Asus site who told me to hook it up to the printer via the tf101 mini hdmi port ,I emailed the contact back saying that no that wouldnt work,and following about a dozen emails where I was repeatedly told yes it would work in frustration or chucking a wobbly as my kids called it I rang the Asus site and spoke to a guy who told me no it would not print by hooking it up via a hdmi port,however he also could not tell me how to do it.
So over to you guys, can you print from an Asus TF101transformer,and if any one can come up with a method that will work the next time we meet in a pub I'll buy the 1st beer,but on one condition that the pub is no further than 100 km from my town in Australia
I can't answer your question, but hopefully someone here will be able to help you out.

BTW Been to Australia twice and hope to go again, so I already know how to get a free beer in just about any pub during "football" season. Before entering the pub, find out which team has taken it over for the evening. When a guy twice your size walks up and says, "Which team are you for Mate?", give the right answer and you'll get a free beer. If you give the wrong answer, you'll probably need a transfusion more than a beer anyway.:cool:
I will chime in with my support for Printershare. Worked excellent on the TF101 I had and it works excellent on my phones and current A100 tablet. As long as your printer supports it, you're golden. BUT, there is no way to just plug a USB printer into a tablet. They lack the coding/drivers to make it function. You need a network based printer.
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Yeah,We get a bit carried away with our footy (aussie rules rather than rugby) its finals time right now and my team (Hawthorn) is in the finals,and it's a little challenging to go to the finals where you can expect up to 100,000 fans cheering their team or more often abusing the umpires,so if you have been here in footy season your coming at the wrong time (winter) come in the cricket season (summer)
It depends on what you want to print. Not to sound like a jerk but the reason printing is such anunknown is printing requires the computer software to build a stream for printing, then you need to transfer that stream to the printer, and then the printer needs to be able to interpret that stream to properly form the image on the paper. Android and ipad apps are tiny, minimalist programs. They were typically designed for screen output only so printer device drivers and the code to drive them does not exist.
That said there are a couple, kind, printer mfgrs, i.e. Brother, which have written an app to print wirelessly some common file types. For example I can print photos, pdfs, spreadsheets, and even scan douments from my tablets to my Brother 7840 printer.
My advice is to figure out what you really need to print then check with printer mfgr.