problem connecting to Wifi - occured sudenly


Jun 19, 2012
I have a motorola tablet for about a month. It had no problem conneting to my wifi adress but yesterday sudenly my connection was interupted and since than it won't connect (it is trying to obtain IP adress but don't sucseed). My computer connection is excellent. I tryed to close the router and open again and tryed to forget the wifi connection and enter it again, nothing works. I tryed also to connect ot another open wifi connection and it did the same, so I suppose the problem is not with my wifi accont.
I would be glad to get some help.
Thank you
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I am not too familiar with the Xoom, but have you tried rebooting the Xoom? Not sure that it will help but it is worth a shot if you have not tried it.
It steel didnt find any solution. I can add that when I try to connect to another connection then mein (unscured) and my connection is disablec it signal excellent but when I try to connect it again the signal becomes poor. It happens every time I try and with each connecion I try - when it is disabled it signals much better than when It trys to connect. Mybe this bit of information makes some sense to anyone?
It steel didnt find any solution. I can add that when I try to connect to another connection then mein (unscured) and my connection is disablec it signal excellent but when I try to connect it again the signal becomes poor. It happens every time I try and with each connecion I try - when it is disabled it signals much better than when It trys to connect. Mybe this bit of information makes some sense to anyone?

I have read about that problem before but it was always router related problems rather than the tablet. You should try connecting to a public hotspot or a friend's WiFi for confirmation. You can also try changing the channel in your router. If you can connect to another WiFi your router is the place to look.
yesterday sudenly my connection was interupted and since than it won't connect (it is trying to obtain IP adress but don't sucseed). My computer connection is excellent.

1) Connection interrupted: Your wifi router?
- Check your wifi setting on your router.
- Auto, G, N...set to "G" and restart your router.
- Password correct?
- Forget network and reconnect with correct pasword.
- Router firewall?
- Setting WEP, WPA...etc
- Soft reboot (Press and Hold: Power+VolumeUp till it restart)

2) If above fail, try reset your router.

Hope it help and let us know your progress.
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