Problems with battery display and usb connection kit


Mar 30, 2012
Hello everybody, i've bought a 3G-WiFi Galaxy 10.1 tab, and also a usb connection kit.

I Don´t know if someone have already posted the same problem but the connection kit doesn't work. I've tryed with all pendrivers i could find here home, none bigger than 16GB. I`ve tryed to format the pendrives but was useless.

Also sometimes i plug the adapter with the pendrive the tab displays it can't read the device, and other its displays USB Connected - MTP-Connected but i can't locate the folder(i tryed file maneger with the bee, and the ES file explorer). I disconnect the pendrive and the USB Connected message continues.
And finally when I unplug the charging cable(tha original from samsung) the battery display is the one with the lightning, and after it changes to the one with the lightning and the red x.

My 30-pin plug is all ****ed up?
My firmware is all ****d up?

Btw sometimes when i turn the tab off it turns on automatically.

Thanks for the attention and sorry if mispelled any word or constructed akward lines/sentences.
Don't know why you are having problems. I have used 2 different connectors I got from ebay and they both permit my Galaxy to read files on the flash drives. I found that I had problems until I used Astro as the file manager and then voila! it worked. Also, one time it wasn't working and I found if I jiggled the connetcor where it connects with the Galaxy that voila! it appeared again. Also, I use a 3rd party app as a battery indicator that I use on my android phone and voila! it also seems to work fine. Sorry about your other problems.
Nothing seems to work, i`ve alredy reseted it but was useless too. I was thinking about letting it run out of power completely, but i think it won't be worth a try.
Thank you anyway.