Problems with my aPad(s)


Dec 8, 2010
Got 3 aPads from China
Tried two of them by now
- first one won't start without a charger , otherwise works fine
Tried charging it for 12+ hours (or more , did not mind counting) , same result
Sometimes it shows the charge at 16% , most of the times 100%
When i start it and remove the charger , it turns off instantly.
Also , when i try to strart it without the charger is makes a buzzing sound. there a firmware fix for this ? Or update?

Some specifications
Model number : rk2808sdk
Firmware version 1.0.1
Kernel version : 2.6.25
Rockchip version : 1.2.7 (FH-tong)
Build Number : LaoTang.eng.temp20100917.094135

I have tried letting the second tablet charge for 12+ hours without starting it in the first place. Now it won't start at all !

Any solutions?
Got 3 aPads from China

That's the biggest problem! It comes from China. & buying direct from China you'll never know exactly what your buying beforehand.
Unfortunetly, anything that doesn't have a well known brand name on it will for the most part have quality issues. I'm not saying that what you have is junk, but a lot of sellers in china are selling goods abroad with little to no quality assurance..

Like the chipods, fake clone ipods that had hacked memory/cheap batteries & software that would crash if you looked at it the wrong
Well they are doing it again with the cheap epad/apad, lookalike iPads.. Your battery issue in my opinion has nothing to do with firmware & alot to do with the actual battery used. Maybe it's a cheap battery that came from a supplier who pay $1 a day & pumps a million out the door daily..Quality assurance..what's that? lol

I truly hope some of the seasoned veterans on here can help you out with a quick fix..My suggestion would be Return to sender or ask for a partial refund.

ttyl FTANL
can you not return the items.
sounds like a battery fault.
if you purchased by credit card / paypal / ebay then you are covered by the card company.
contact the supplier first and if no luck claim from the card company.
it doesnt matter where they came from, you are still covered.
can you not return the items.
sounds like a battery fault.
if you purchased by credit card / paypal / ebay then you are covered by the card company.
contact the supplier first and if no luck claim from the card company.
it doesnt matter where they came from, you are still covered.

Unfortunately a friend got them while he was in China , but he only tested them with the charger asuming they don't have enough batteru to start on their own :(
I bought one on ebay. Took me ages to get rid of the Chinese apps and get the thing working. I had a problem at first it kept turning off - now seems to work fine. I can't synch with usb so working on getting it to read the sd card now. I think if my eperience is anything to go by, it seems to get better the more I use it, which is bizzare. I wish I hadn't bought from China but all the tablets I wanted were out of stock and I couldn't wait!