PROJECT: Reviving a Hard Bricked Kyros

Even without the external microSD I can´t mount the internal microSD (in host mode), and the PDAnet driver don´t recognize the device (in device mode).... Then, assuming that my USB connection is damaged how can I root my tablet? I need to be rooted to extract the u-boot, isn´t?

Hmm, true: the command needed to copy u-boot from the card needs su privileges...

Try doing something like this but on your tablet:

download from any reliable source: SuperOneClick

uncompress SuperOneClick
Install Superuser.apk (it's inside one of the folders)
Assuming you have uncompressed it to /sdcard/SuperOneClick, open Terminal Emulator do
cd /sdcard/SuperOneClick
cp Exploits/psneuter /data/local/tmp
cp Root/su-v2 /data/local/tmp/su
cd /data/local/tmp
chmod 777 psneuter
chown 0:0 su
chmod 06755 su

Close Terminal Emulator and open it again. If you see the "#" prompt, do the following, if not, try typing "./su" to get it:
cd /data/local/tmp
mv su /system/xbin/su
ln -s /system/xbin/su /system/bin/su

If it doen't work then we'll need to build a script that is run during boot to install root.
When I write down the code I get this:

cd /sdcard/SuperOneClick
cp Exploits/psneuter /data/local/tmp
cp: can´t create '/data/local/tmp/psneuter´/ Permission denied
Ok, try using simply "/tmp" where you see "/data/local/tmp": in all commands replace "/data/local/tmp" with only "/tmp".
@Fbox Could you please share your utmodules folder? It's in /system -> utmodules. Please copy the whole folder, zip and post it online so I can download. I have an edited u-boot.bin that enabled LCD for 1025_v4, so only the utmodules are needed for a working ROM (camera won't work, but it's kinda useless in Froyo anyway). Thanks for you help!
Obrigado Fbox!! Nossa até parece que acabei de comprar o tablet! Nossa muito bom pode usar ele novamente!!
Obrigado Fbox!! Nossa até parece que acabei de comprar o tablet! Nossa muito bom pode usar ele novamente!!

Amigo vc baixou a CFW do ifom ou vc fez uma ? seu esta funcionando wi-fi ?

Friend you downloaded the ifom CFW or you did your own CFW? your wifi is working?
Usei a firmware do Ifom, e o WIFI quando liga ele trava o tablet e desliga!!

O meu tablet é a placa 1025_V4
When I write down the code I get this:

cd /sdcard/SuperOneClick
cp Exploits/psneuter /data/local/tmp
cp: can´t create '/data/local/tmp/psneuter´/ Permission denied

Any luck using "/tmp" instead of "/data/local/tmp" to root? If it doesn't work I can try to create a script that roots it for you.

Also, if it's not too much asking: I was able to create a resurrecting firmware but WiFi doesn't work. Could you please share your, init.rc, build.prop and the folder "/system/lib/modules" too? Thanks!
"/tmp" doesn´t work too. Lets try the script.

About the files, init.rc, build.prop, just show when I can find them...
"/tmp" doesn´t work too. Lets try the script.

About the files, init.rc, build.prop, just show when I can find them...

Great, I will work on the script.

- root folder: init.rc and init.smdkv210.rc
- /system: build.prop