Proscan Tablets?

New to this site (my first post) I'm considering purchasing two of these proscan 7" tablets for my kids. I have a 2 year old son and a 4 year old daughter and they're both always asking to watch netflix and play games on my S3. Is this tablet user friendly enough for my kids? They both have no problem unlocking my screen and navigating throughout my phone. Is GetJar the app store for the tablet? Does it have the same apps/games as the play store? Thanks!
New to this site (my first post) I'm considering purchasing two of these proscan 7" tablets for my kids. I have a 2 year old son and a 4 year old daughter and they're both always asking to watch netflix and play games on my S3. Is this tablet user friendly enough for my kids? They both have no problem unlocking my screen and navigating throughout my phone. Is GetJar the app store for the tablet? Does it have the same apps/games as the play store? Thanks!

This tablet is user friendly if you have a good app store, that is the only problem I have encountered with mine I think It will be good for your children. but if they want to install a lot of games you should probably put a micro SD card in them

But - when attempting to install apps - it is bizarre. Some apps - like Words with Friends - installed just fine - zippy download & installed & showing up on the app screen. Other apps - like Netflix, Gmail, Huffington Post, IMDB, BBC News, or any of the apps I have to control things like my media server, or other home devices - I'm able to get to the app in GetJar, find it & click on the Download link. However, at that point - it just sits there at 0% until I exit the GetJar application, or power down the unit.

However, the app store in Google doesn't appear to work, and a download from there only re-pushes it to my phone (Razr). GetJar has the apps, but only a handful of my most frequent ones will download.I didn't want to re-invent the wheel just to get this to work. Has anyone been able to get the GetJar app to successfully download apps? Is it select ones? Any ones? For $69, I thought it was decent - it does have decent quality Youtube playback - but if that's all it'll do......

I have the same problem as you Steve, it is not your wi-fi connection. I finally determined that the tablet is pretty much useless, even for a 5 year old kid who only cares about playing games and watching videos on it. What's the point if you can't download the game the kid wants to play? GetJar is the problem, I think and I haven't found a way around using it (not for lack of trying). I was not successful in my attempt to install another app store (I also tried to install the an app that searches Google Play Store, but wouldn't download).

I think I'd rather spend the extra $$ on something worthwhile. Just my opinion (I could be spoiled by my Galaxy tablet, though).
GetJar is definitely the problem. I'm not sure why it would ship with a disfunctional store...but alas it did. As I mentioned in the previous post, the Amazon store seems to have fixed the problem for me. My 7 year old has enjoyed playing with it and doesn't seem to have any problem. Keep in mind, though, it's still a cheap tablet and doesn't have the best screen nor the best battery life.

Hope this helps
- flub

I have the same problem as you Steve, it is not your wi-fi connection. I finally determined that the tablet is pretty much useless, even for a 5 year old kid who only cares about playing games and watching videos on it. What's the point if you can't download the game the kid wants to play? GetJar is the problem, I think and I haven't found a way around using it (not for lack of trying). I was not successful in my attempt to install another app store (I also tried to install the an app that searches Google Play Store, but wouldn't download).

I think I'd rather spend the extra $$ on something worthwhile. Just my opinion (I could be spoiled by my Galaxy tablet, though).
GetJar is definitely the problem. I'm not sure why it would ship with a disfunctional store...but alas it did. As I mentioned in the previous post, the Amazon store seems to have fixed the problem for me. My 7 year old has enjoyed playing with it and doesn't seem to have any problem. Keep in mind, though, it's still a cheap tablet and doesn't have the best screen nor the best battery life.

Hope this helps
- flub

Thank you for that. I had just finished "wiping" the tablet for return and went searching for another cheap one on Amazon. During that search I read a couple of reviews on another cheap Coby tablet where they mentioned Amazon App Store and 1Mobile. So I went to Amazon App Store and downloaded it to the tablet, then after installing it, went in search of some of the apps I couldn't previously install. They downloaded, installed and appear to run fine. I will give this tablet another chance, play with it for a couple more days, then decide. Who knows? I may change my mind.:)

One note on the Amazon App Store, you DO need to have an Amazon account with the payment method completed before you can download even free apps.

Hope this helps others.
I was looking for a cheap way to get into Android and chose this tablet, too, since it was cheap enough to break while experimenting and not feel bad. After all, for $70 I can afford to throw it against the wall if the frustration beats me! I was surprised to learn that Curtis was a Canadian company since the manual looked like computer-translated Chinese into English. It is completely worthless but the tablet, so far, isn't too bad. I found that GetJar didn't work and stumbled onto the Amazon Android App store app. That has been great. I am learning to navigate Android... I am pretty happy with it to be honest. It isn't exactly an iPad Mini or Galaxy III, but it is a serviceable ereader thanks to Kindle and it brings me the Flash content that my iPhone doesn't. I am a bit dismayed at the trouble I am having finding a decent guide book to Android in general but hopefully I'll find something this weekend with a trip to yet another bookstore. I am having trouble with my 32 gig SD card, though. The device recognizes it and seems to have put a LOST directory on it but I can't move apps to it, even with Apps 2 SD. I'll figure that out soon enough though... I figure if I can get this to work the way I want it to I'll have learned the ins and outs of Android along the way.

Believe it or not, I am considering giving a couple to by daughters (4th and 7th grade). It is sturdier than I expect and with kids the lack of features is a plus!

If anyone has insight into my microSD problems, I am listening. If I get it solved I will pass it along.
on a whim i picked up the 7 in, its no ipad killer or even super great but i just wanted something to play around with i have 3 kindels including one fire, several macs ipads ipods iphones, and some android phones and some old windows phones...the screen is poor but build quality is ok. I paid 69 bucks for it, it will not run google play but just get the apk's from the net they seem to work, i have firefox on it, and evernote skype pulse, ive only played with it for 4hrs but ill keep it around for grins and giggles, i put an old 16gig card in it from my 1st droid and it works fine. so whos it for, really no one except those who like to tinker with stuff. its not very fast, the touch display is very clunky but then i said i like to tinker with stuff.
we bought 2 fr big lots & after a few days of playing on it i would not recommend getting 1 u cant download most of the apps in the apps store, cant download most kid friendly games & u cant download any google apps @ ALL! soundont is not good unless u have in earbuds lots of times its u have 2 double press the keyboard when u r typing, sometimes the screen will start flashing & moving up & down freaks out! its very sensitive when u r trying 2 move pg up & down! needless 2 say it has WAY 2 MANY problems & i wouldn't recommend any1 2 waste there money on a proscan AT ALL!!!!!
Proscan plt1044

Well I almost gave up hope,but after some internet searching I been able to get gooogle market and amazon running. I will post the method that worked for me. Iam hoping that it will work on the other proscan tablets as I am thinking of picking some up for kids
Hey everyone. I just picked up one of these proscan 7 inch tablets at big lots today for $69 they were out of the D2 which I really wanted because of the bigger ram but no big deal I got this the last of any tablets that they had in stock. I have a iPhone 5 and a iPad but I wanted something cheap and smaller just to be able to bring around when I couldn't bring my iPad and something bigger than my iPhone for reading.
And I had the same problem most of you were having with that getjar app think not working at all. So I saw some of you said to get the amazon app store and I had tried a kindle fire last year, and have bought books for my kindle app and purchases from amazon so I already had an account. And while there app store isn't the full blown google play store it has all the big apps I needed. Well here is a solution to get it by simply going to the stock browser on the proscan tablet, no need to download anything on your PC and no APK required. Simply type in into the browser and that's it, amazon app store is on the tablet. Hope this helps if anyone was having trouble using the APK download. It really isn't a terrible tablet for $69. when I get some more time I will let you guys know how to overclock it and add the google play store easily. Let me know if this helped anyone out. Peace
Just use the amazon app store to get the popular app we all use. type this in the proscan stock browser that puts the amazon app store directly on your proscan without needing to download anything on your PC
did you have any luck getting amazon app store on it or did you give up on it and return it? I posted a how to get the amazon store easily if you still have it sitting around
did you have any luck getting amazon app store on it or did you give up on it and return it? I posted a how to get the amazon store easily if you still have it sitting around

I did have Amazon Apps working (go to and search for amazon market, and download to your PC and copy across via a USB connector) to the tablet.

But I followed the instructions at this site (with some slight modifications that I documented, and got google play to work!)

Go here: [Tutorial] Proscan PLT-7035-PL Root and install GAPPS - xda-developers

Good luck! I'm seeing some weird behavior, but not sure if it's because of a bug in the google play software, operator misunderstanding of the ICS build/use or what. I download apps, but it appears to open it, or show it on the "task bar" area, and I can't seem to "clear" them out, and when I touch the little google play shopping bags, it opens. I also seem to have a cycling of apps when I'm downloading, and a long delayed download too.

But hey, it works!

And believe it or not, I am a noob! 1st time ever rooting an android platform.

And took HOURS... (fighting sleep too)
I wish I had returned it when I had the chance. I can't download anything using Google play. I can get and send email and listen to music but I want to be able to download some books.