Proscan - Weird Password Happenings


Nov 11, 2012
I have a Proscan PLT8031 Ice Cream Sandwich 8" tablet that I bought at Big Lots a couple months ago. I use it mainly as a bedside reader but need wifi to connect to my pc library thru Calibre. I kept having troubles with the wifi so i downloaded and installed popular network analyzer app to see if I could figure out the problem.

I have never bothered to password protect the thing because it never leaves home. After using the app and finding no problem I just decided to use usb to change books in my library.

When powering it up this evening I was presented with a password screen even though it never had a password to begin with. I tried the reset button in the case of the device figuring I would just re-install all my stuff but it comes back to the password screen every time.

I have tried a bunch of generic passwords like "owner" but it just locks me out after a few tries.

Does anyone have any Ideas??? I would hate to just throw it away.