Quick Question about Updating the Kyros MID7015


Dec 30, 2010
Hello, Android Tablet Forums... I have a quick question about updating the Coby Kyros MID7015. Please don't be mean if this is "noobish". xD LOL

Well I went to www.cobyusa.com and it says to download the update.zip file, which I downloaded off of the Coby site, but my download was titled "update (1).zip"... Should I rename it to "update.zip" or leave it as it was when downloaded?

Also, can the Kyros have ONLY and 8GB microSD card when doing this update? The lady from the video said to use a SD card with the "maximum of 8GB". Or can I use a 16GB? Thank you. :)
Seriously, use the search. This has been covered multiple times in several threads.

When you put the file on the sd card, rename it to update.zip.
Hello, Android Tablet Forums... I have a quick question about updating the Coby Kyros MID7015. Please don't be mean if this is "noobish". xD LOL

Well I went to COBY Electronics - Consumer Entertainment Products for Home, Office or On the Go! and it says to download the update.zip file, which I downloaded off of the Coby site, but my download was titled "update (1).zip"... Should I rename it to "update.zip" or leave it as it was when downloaded?

Also, can the Kyros have ONLY and 8GB microSD card when doing this update? The lady from the video said to use a SD card with the "maximum of 8GB". Or can I use a 16GB? Thank you. :)
I'll bet you already had an "update.zip" in your download directory for your DX. :)