Raynova Ray 1 - Freescale iMX515 7" Capacitive

Looks like very interesting device with incredible price! Is there news when those devices will be available?
Their web-site has changed tonight. Before it was only one big picture... but now it's different. I am monitoring it right now for any further changes. RAY1 looks like very interesting device for incredible price.
I seriously doubt it will be $150. those specs are specs for a $400 device. I cant open the website anymore. strange,.
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I seriously doubt it will be $150. those specs are specs for a $400 device. I cant open the website anymore. strange,.

I agree, that 150 USD is very strange price for such device. Let's see... according to their site tomorrow is the date...
The price is not that inexpensive. Freescale iMX515 is pretty cheap now.

They can manage $150USD for the wifi edition out of the factory. I have doubts as to whether or not they actually will.

Chinese Engadget got one: Raynova RAY1?????Android 2.2?????

I think it will target around $200USD-300. Production costs alone should cost at least $125USD just for wifi version. It should be in the same family as the capactive 9.7" that came out before.

I think there will be no GPL source code release for his thing. I guess it ships next month. Enough companies will be ordering this to stir up something. The interface is stock Android with ADW installed right now. Android market looks like it is there, which is no surprise at all.

Been waiting for a capacitive + iMX515 combination that wasn't an iPad clone and was not stupidly expensive.

The screen looks like it will suck. G-sensor function is probably broken, but we'll see.


I rememeber the zoom was supposed to be $300 and it was double. While I wish it was $150 and if it is I might buy 3 of them but I can see $299-$399 . best guess.
It wont be better than the Nook Color. You can bet on that much. But it is interest for us Canadians, as well as other internationals.

The price wont be much cheaper than the Nook Color. I just don't see it happening.
I read somewhere that the Raynova device was going to have an ARM Cortex A9 dual core 533 MHz CPU. Would that be a better setup?
Sorry I was a little vague on that. I meant that there is not a popular ARM Cortex A9 dual core 533 MHz CPU for Android for manufacturers to use, which basically means there is no developer support to make something like that possible.
The store is open but in chinese , I cant see how to order. looks like its $150 if you buy 24 pieces.
I have address at China, where I can sent RAY1 after purchase at TaoBao, but I cannot understand anything there. Does anybody here can help to perform order?