Re-stall Windows & Android on Vpad10


Feb 3, 2011
Question: How do reformat the SSD to upgrade or re-install the Viewpad10 tablet OS, when needed? View sonic tech support said the ViewPad10 was not designed to be upgraded. I assume this is because of the SSD. Where do I get a erase program for the SSD for my Vpad10 (I have reformatted the SSD with the Sanitary Erase with my SSD Hard drive in my main PC. However, I know Sanitary Erase program is only for OCZ products) I don’t know why Viewsonic gave me a CD disks with Windows7 and Android if I am not supposed to use them.

Basically, my question is can I use my Vpad10 as if it is a X86 platform computer. I paid $600.00 for a product. I want to be able to take it apart and play with it a little bit. It would be a limited product if I only get what is given at the time of purchase. What do Ipad users do, by a new Ipad every six months? I am at the very beginning of my learning curve so any direction would be greatly appreciated.
Have a gTablet and thinking of selling and getting a VPad10 with Dual Boot, but must upgrade it to 2.2. Saw the 2.2 ISO from Chih-Wei Huang targeted for the VPad10 and was wondering how the upgrade went, whether it's stable, and if you have the market and gApps working?!? Was also wondering is you installed the GRUB for dual boot that is on the ISO or kept the dual boot that came with the original install. Really need the best of both worlds (Win7/Android). Need Win7 to print and access media on other networked devices and need Android for faster web and apps. Thanks in advance!
Hi. The 2.2 upgrade is stable, and i use it a lot. You need to install the grub for 2.2 in the micro sd card, and make an entry in the original grub text to link both of them. It works, and you will have windows7/Android1.6/Android2.2 systems .

Hi, Shayind4 is there a step by step guide out there?
if there is non can you please point out how to "install the grub for 2.2 in the micro sd card, and make an entry in the original grub text to link both of them"?

In addtion can you please point out how to install the 2.2 image in the micro sd card?

Thx in advance
Simply put, you can re-install windows on the viewtab. It is simply another x86 device.

For Android, install the .iso or .img from here; Android-x86 Nightly - Index of: home/viewpad10/

The nightly build is the most recent. You can install Android 2.2 over-top of 1.6, however, I'd rather get rid of Android and put Ubuntu on the dual boot, but I won't do that until I upgrade the SSD. (I will also upgrade the RAM but i haven't looked for parts yet. I did open the viewtab and wrote the part numbers, I just need to order form or something like that.)

the 16GB SSD is not nearly enough for the Windows 7 OS and programs. I opened my viewtab and found a 16GB half SATA SSD from SANDISK. I found on the internet 32 and 64 GB half SATA but they are a bit pricey and hard to find. I found a Chinese manufacturer that will sell me direct from the plant.

If by chance you do re-install Windows 7, just install to the existing NTFS partition. If you overwrite the ext3 Android partition, use gParted live CD with a USB CD drive or bootable USB with a keyboard to resize and repartition you drive.

If you think you are about to or already have messed something up, just type it in google. There's tons of info on GRUB and gParted to help you.
OK - i have downloaded an x86 image & run it from a DOK.

now I cant see a way to -
"install the grub for 2.2 in the micro sd card, and make an entry in the original grub text to link both of them".

Can someone please help with how to do the above?
Thx in advance
what's a DOK? I've seen a couple posts on the internet, unless what you call a DOK is what I call something else, USB stick perhaps?

What have you done so far? Installed Android? When you bootup what message do you get? Have you attempted what you are asking for yet and it has failed or have you done nothing to your partitions yet?

Where did you download your Android x86 image (from the Android x86 project or nightlies)?

If you re-install win7 it's best to install win7 before Android. Win 7 will overwrite your bootloader preventing you from booting into Andorid.

When you setup the partitions via the Android installer, gParted or GRUB, does the partitioner see your microSD as /dev/sdb or /dev/sdc? or is the only option /dev/sda (sda1, sda2)?

You will have to do what you are looking for in the following steps;

1) Format your Android partition to ext3 (DO NOT OVERWRITE YOUR NTFS PARTITION)
2) Install Android x86 to your microSD card (/dev/sdb or /dev/sdc ...)
3) Write a new partition table. The utility with the Android x86 project will do this automatically.
4) WHEN YOU SEE THE MESSAGE FOR A WINDOWS NTFS PARTITION CLICK OK TO WRITE THE NEW BOOTLOADER. (use GRUB or the utility that comes with your Android installer)

Additional utilities:

Download GRUB here:

Download gParted live here: GParted -- Download

What OS do you have on your desktop to build your .iso CD/USB? Windows or Linux? (Get Ubuntu if you don't have it here, Download | Ubuntu I can't seem to do anything with Windows)

If you are using USB .img files, I like ubuntu image-writer to build the bootable USB,

If you are using .iso files, use UNetBootin
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Dleite - First - thx for helping :)

Yes I use DOK for USB stick sorry, for being ambiguous.
I did not install anything yet, I have downloaded an 2.2 image from x86, and run it as a live image from the USB stick.

I use Ubuntu.

Let's forget about installing it on the microSD.

I like to try up x86 2.2, and install it on the VPAD. now -
If I go and install it on the SSD (replacing the current android image), using the x86 install utility,
1 - will it damage the Windows part?
2 - After installation will I need to change the grub or it I will still have the option to load windows?
3 - how can I restore the original Android image that came with the device?

1 - no it will not do anything to your NTFS partition unless you select the option to delete all partitions first... when you get to the install screen select sda1 - Linux (ext3).
2 - GRUB will automatically be updated if you select Yes. There's an option to write a new GRUB, then it will pop up that an NTFS partition was found asking if you want to include this. Select Yes.
3 - I don't know how you can backup and restore the original Android (1.6) system without either using something like Acronis via the Windows 7 partition (here Backup software for data backup and disaster recovery in Windows and Linux - Acronis) or use a USB CD/DVD with a bootable Acronis CD). I didn't backup my original 1.6 installation until it was too late, but maybe the 1.6 on Tega's site will be the same (here TEGA v2 | Tegatech - Home of Mobile Computing on the GO!)
Hi! I am from Russia,sorry for my english.

If you want to upgrade Android 1.6 to 2.2.1 you must do next steps:

1.You must have external DVD drive and usb keybord.
2.Download this bootable cd or dvd image.When you put it in the drive it boots automaticaly if your external drive is first in boot order in BIOS or you must press F11 to choose boot device
3.Booting from it,choose "format to ext3" and in next screen you must answer "yes" for asket question... Defaultly highlighted "no"

I upgrade my viewpad in 3 minutes.

But,anyway i have a problem: In upgraded system does not work "home" button. If i want "home" i touch an upper part of screen... Why it happens??
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can i redirect the buttons? "Home" button now only move cursor step down... And another strange situation: Pressing "Power" button is shoting down power of the device without any prompt....
i don't know why the developers didn't put the home nor back button function in their release, hopefully it will be included in the next stable release. Nor have I found a way to change it yet. I have to "swipe" the menu bar or tap the menu bar. Here ( Touch only device howto - Android-x86 - Porting Android to x86 ) is the extra info from Android x86 page.

If anyone has a way or an app to configure the home/back buttons I'd love to hear it.
Okay,i understand what it is not a bug of my device :):) Thanx :)

And what about "power" buton? I find in "Settings" "advanced menu" and swith on "power off prompt" put no changes in powering down happens...
Sorry for offtop: What about working time on batteries on this device? I think its less than 4 hours but i dont have experiment..

I think it is not a good idea installing Android on it. Its not useful OS.. My friend told me about his experiments with MacOS on this..He says-it working great...