Re- visititation of Bluetooth and WiFi interference


Feb 7, 2011
I have recently purchased some Bluetooth stereo headphones to use with my S7. The headphones work excellent when I am listening to music that is stored on my S7, however if I try to browse the internet while listening to the music via Bluetooth there are brief skips and pauses when the page data is loading. This problem also occurs while streaming Pandora and using the Bluetooth headphones. It seems when Pandora tries to load the content for the next song there is a period of skipping and pausing. I was hoping that someone out there may be able to test under a similar setup and see if they can replicate the issue. Any help would be much appreciated.

PS I am running a standard out of the box S7 with no mods
I've seen wifi network issues with Slacker when streaming while using bt headphones, so you're not alone.
I think the Nokia N900 may have similar type issues. In the N900 it may be partially related to the fact that the wifi and bluetooth share the same antenna. Don't know if it's a similar problem with the S7.