Ready to flash, final check, pls advise.


Jun 25, 2011
Just about ready to perform my first ROM flash, but would appreciate some final thoughts or cautions from those with more experience.

My G Tablet: (stock)
Model: UPC 300-2.2
Tap UI: 1.1-3588
Kernel: dirty hudson@tapntapsvn#16
Build: FRF91

I've decided on G Harmony Gingerbread V2.5, and have dowloaded the Zip files I'll need, including ClockworkMod V08 (internal).

I've also downloaded G-APPS. Question: Is this necessary and should it be installed after flashing the ROM? I belive so, but would like verification.

I've printed out the steps to follow from the [Howto] Install CWM, Custom ROM, Flash Player, and Market Fix for 1.1 based ROMs thread by Fuganater (thanks!!!)

OK, so, what am I forgetting? What precautions do I need to take? Any last minute advise?

Thanks for all your help. I will let you know when I'm done.
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Hey Frank! I haven't run G Harmony yet, so I won't advise on that issue. BUT, since you're traveling into the world of custom ROMs there is one piece of baggage you CANNOT travel without: it is pretty important that you read up on nvflashing (it's VERY easy to do), and that you feel comfortable with the process. If you haven't seen it yet, it goes like this:

(1) Install various files on on your PC.
(2) Turn gTab off; connect via USB to PC; turn back on--hold power and Volume-DOWN (not up, that's for starting recovery)

The odd thing about doing this is that your screen stays black, so it's hard to know it's working. But your PC will beep and whistle, and you can check the device manager to confirm it's connected.

(3) Navigate to the folder with your nvflash files (the ones you downloaded in (1)); run the batch script

NOW (happily) you will see your gTab come to life, as either stock 3588 or 4349 (depends on which nvflash files you install) is reloaded onto the gTab.

Neurotic fella that I am, nvflash is a HUGE reassurance because it means (at least so far) that I can do ANYTHING to my gTab (software wise), it can be in the most unresponsive state, and I can always get it back to stock. It's saved my backside a few times already!

Remember this is just an overview of the steps. Feel free to post back if you have questions or need a starter or where to look for the full "manual".

...since you're traveling into the world of custom ROMs there is one piece of baggage you CANNOT travel without: it is pretty important that you read up on nvflashing... Feel free to post back if you have questions or need a starter or where to look for the full "manual".


Matt: Thanks for the advise, I'll be sure to read up on nvflashing, and yes, I'd like links to the starter and manual please.

This will give me much more confidence going forward.

Frank, do you know if the G Harmony ROM is 1.1 bootloader, or 1.2? Wait...let me check...looks like it's 1.1 (ROM - Viewsonic GTablet For Dummies).

OK, so you want the 1.1 files for nvflash. roebeet has a nice how-to here:

[RECOVERY] nvflash FULL restore, using either 1.1 or 1.2 based images - [G-TABLET] -

Take a look, and remember the overview above: anyone can do it!

BTW, I love your signature.

Success!! wooooohoooo!:D

Wow! Everyone says that Tap n Tap is no good, but I had no idea until I flashed my ROM.

Special thanks to gadgetrants for the nvflash tip, it sure was a great confort to have a back-up in case I messed things up.
Congratulations Frank! Now the sky is the limit with so much to choose from. gadgetrants tip is a good one. With nvflash you can get yourself out of most anything.
Frank, I love to hear about happy endings. :) Glad to see that things worked out. Please keep us posted which ROMs you've tried and how your apps are working.
