Really basic android tablet app question


Dec 16, 2011
Hi everyone,

I am pretty new to the whole android world, and I just dumped my iPhone 4S for the Samsung Galaxy S2.

So far I am amazed with everything android has to offer over iOS, so much that I need to get an Android Tablet now!

Sorry if my question is very basic, I tried google but couldnt find any solid answers. My question is for anyone with an android tablet pretty much:

1) Can you install ANY app, even ones developed for mobile phones, in the Android Market onto the Android Tablet, or does the app have to specifically for tablets?

And I have one more question

2) Is it wise to buy the Motorola Xoom (Maybe family edition, as its just 350 at BestBuy) now, even though its approaching the end of its life cycle? ie. will it be powerful enough for the next couple years, I think it has a 1.2GhZ processor

Thanks in advance
Hi nickleanddime, welcome. You will find lot of advice here :)

1. Yes you can essentially use any app from the app store on a tablet. Some won't work and some are for tablets only but when you try and download them they will usually let you know if there is a compatibility issue with your device. Unlike Apple there are many many hardware choices so not all apps work on all devices but the vast majority do.

2. The Xoom would be a nice tablet and is not really approaching the end of its life cycle. Just like all devices, there is always a better device tomorrow than you can get today but I wouldn't worry about it too much. There are several good tablets out in the $350 range so do some comparison and searching around.

Thanks JP, just what I was looking for.

To go a little more into depth about my 1st question, I know you can install iphone apps on to an iPad, but the app is displayed in the middle of the screen (the size and shape of an iPhone), and is surrounded by this nasty black. Is this the way it is for android tablets, or will it fill the screen (not stretched) and look nice and smooth?
@ nickelanddime
I have a xoom tablet and all of my gams that i play on my xoom tablet the game screen is fine ..... it fills the whole screen and it doesnt stretch the games to fit da screen ..... if i would have to choose a tablet out there for you then i wuld choose the motorola xoom tablet especially if you're a gamer.....

Sent from my Xoom using Android Tablet Forum