Really starting to hate my ARchos 70 IT - 250gb


Dec 27, 2010
So i found at that all these freezing and rebooting only happens when i have WiFi turned on.... Is anyone experiencing any bugs when they turn their wifi on? I get the same results weather it's at work or at home when i connect to the wifi. When i have the wifi disabled the tablet runs fine.

These are the things that happen when wifi is enabled sometimes:

1. Battery drains
2. Tablet reboots on its own without me even touching it, just being on my table left alone
3. I go to use it and when i press the power button (being the only button that wakes it and turns on the screen) nothing happens and its like the system is shut off or frozen and i have to hold the power button for 10 seconds to reboot it.

This happens often multiple times a day .... are you guys having the same problem I'm having? I even uninstalled every app except the ones it came with...
The only thing i've done to this tablet is install Google Market and gmail synch system files to gain access to the Market.... Not sure if that is one of my causes of issues.. .Is there a way to go back to STOCK so i can test it out for a day or two without modifying it at all and see how it runs? Any help with this would be great, love the tablet except the bugs im running into.
I performed a wipe and its been 3 hrs without any issues. I think it might have solved all my problems. :)
I just got my Archos 70 Internet Tablet 250GB in the mail today. I was really excited! Plugged in the charger. About two hours later I started checking it out. Seemed to work ok. Got connected to the Internet. Updated the Firmware.

Had a few minor issues .... Finally figured out how to update to Android 2.2. Started downloading some free apps.

Here is when the real problem started, when I followed these instructions:

Setting-->Manage Applications-->All-->Market (Clear Cache then 'Force Stop' -- DO NOT clear data)
Setting-->Manage Applications-->All-->Google Services Framework (Clear data then 'Force Stop')

Has anyone else followed these instructions, and had similar issues?

Now my Archos is sitting on my desk, rebooting itself .... !!!

Can I erase the HD and reinstall everything? Would that really make any difference and fix the issue?

Or is this just a piece of crap ..... ??????
Well, I've been banned from the Archos Forums, so it looks like I won't be getting any help from the Archos family ....

I have no choice now but to send my Archos 70 Internet Tablet 250GB back to J&R.

Maybe I'll try one more Archos tablet and see if I have better luck. Another lemon, and I'm done with Archos ....

I just bought my son a different Archos a few days ago .... I hope he has better luck with his Archos ....
For using the word, "c*ap" in reference to my Archos 70 Internet Tablet 250GB.

My sympathies, but yet a lesson. We have a policy as we see them we may infraction the user, but only ban if abusive and repeat offenses.

In re: 70. I can only relate with my 101/16. Mine does not have the same behaviour, although nearly the same Motherboard. What I have noticed is in regards to all my Archos Android devices. (and this is true for me with my A81-E unit as well. Sometimes it is easiest to just do a ground level rebuild of Firmware. I have done it twice on my A81-E and once on my 101/16. I create a back up of my APKs so I can load at leisure. But it is a pain. I compare it to my Win95/98 days where I could only fix the PC by doing a rebuild. The one diff is it takes only 30 Min for an Android vs almost a day back then.

Doing my own research and experimentation. There does seem to be some value in clearing the cache occasionally for some apps. I think the cache gets marginally corrupted causing kludgey issues and performance.
My issue has been resolved since i reset it back to factory and re did the market fix again.... The only issue i have sometimes but now its really rare is that it reboots on its own sometimes, but hardly. Now it no longer freezes up so I think you might of needed to reset back to factory and attempt to install the gappsinstaller and follow the youtube video or intructions once more.. i really thought i did it perfectly the first time maybe i did, but for whatever reason after doing it a second time it solved all my issues well (most).
My sympathies, but yet a lesson. We have a policy as we see them we may infraction the user, but only ban if abusive and repeat offenses.

In re: 70. I can only relate with my 101/16. Mine does not have the same behaviour, although nearly the same Motherboard. What I have noticed is in regards to all my Archos Android devices. (and this is true for me with my A81-E unit as well. Sometimes it is easiest to just do a ground level rebuild of Firmware. I have done it twice on my A81-E and once on my 101/16. I create a back up of my APKs so I can load at leisure. But it is a pain. I compare it to my Win95/98 days where I could only fix the PC by doing a rebuild. The one diff is it takes only 30 Min for an Android vs almost a day back then.

Doing my own research and experimentation. There does seem to be some value in clearing the cache occasionally for some apps. I think the cache gets marginally corrupted causing kludgey issues and performance.

I just finished reformatting the Archos. Had to call Archos Tech Support again. The first tech support did not give me all of the details, and so the Archos hung up. The second tech support walked me through the complete process, which is complicated for me.

I also installed Market, which so far hasn't caused any problems. Downloaded some apps that I will need for reading various articles, watching videos and listening to music and audio files. Haven't found an app for the Archos that will read my Apple Works files, so I'll have to convert them all to either txt, pdf, or rtf.

I'm already working on creating Archos folders on my MacPro, so if I need to reformat again, I can transfer all the files over easily.
My sympathies, but yet a lesson. We have a policy as we see them we may infraction the user, but only ban if abusive and repeat offenses.

In re: 70. I can only relate with my 101/16. Mine does not have the same behaviour, although nearly the same Motherboard. What I have noticed is in regards to all my Archos Android devices. (and this is true for me with my A81-E unit as well. Sometimes it is easiest to just do a ground level rebuild of Firmware. I have done it twice on my A81-E and once on my 101/16. I create a back up of my APKs so I can load at leisure. But it is a pain. I compare it to my Win95/98 days where I could only fix the PC by doing a rebuild. The one diff is it takes only 30 Min for an Android vs almost a day back then.

Doing my own research and experimentation. There does seem to be some value in clearing the cache occasionally for some apps. I think the cache gets marginally corrupted causing kludgey issues and performance.

I guess I've been so spoiled with using Macs for so many years. Haven't had to deal with these kinds of issues. If my Archos 70 IT runs smooth, even most of the time, I think it will be a good little tablet. I plan on using it a lot, especially when I'm out and about ....
I performed a wipe and its been 3 hrs without any issues. I think it might have solved all my problems. :)

I have the 70 8 gig and the same thing is happening. Panic set in when the thing wouldn't turn on while being plugged in. Holding the power button for 10 seconds worked, but it sure is buggy compared to my macbook pro. I keep having to remind myself that it is really great a some things.
I installed a bunch of apk's right away and think there may be a rouge app causing this. Google voice wasn't available in the market, so I obtained it from a less reputable source. I also installed the other services required to make it work like a cell phone. The call quality was poor and it started crashing all the time. I decided to uninstall everything that was not essential, but it's still acting up.

Running Android 2.2.1 and most current firmware.

Trying the full reset now...
After using Apples for 21 years, I've gotten really spoiled! I hope that Apple comes out with a nice small tablet, like a 5-inch or 7-inch tablet would be perfect!
I do like the Settings Option that allows for a complete Wipe/recovery. I used it once when I was first starting out, to try stuff out but now I only have random issues where the screen stops responding to my touch. I reboot and it behaves fine.
Have bought 2 Archos 70 from different dealers. Neither would turn on even after charging. So I'm going to buy a different make, Archos seems to a bit of a lemon.