Received an update to my Note 10.1


Senior Member
Sep 20, 2012
Just for the heck of it I checked for software update in settings this morning. Much to my surprise there was one so I downloaded and installed it. It was 75.51mb and settings show I'm still on 4.0.4. I didn't check the previous build number but after the update it's now IMM76D.N8013UEAL13. So far I'm not noticing any changes. My Note is the 16GB WiFi only white one. Has anyone else received a similar update recently?

sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1
I received the same 75MB update yesterday morning. I have the 32GB model.

I'm still on 4.0.4 too. Not sure what the update was for. If anybody knows please chime in.

Checked for updates, but no updates available.

I have the 16 GB White version, my build number is iMM76D.N8010XXALGC .

I got the update and the main thing I noticed were some changes to the S Note application like the inclusion of a scroll bar when viewing a not and it handles the landscape mode differently now. I suspect there are some other changes, some of which might be in preperayion for the Jelly Bean update should be here soon. The update build is dated Sept 13
Had a chance to play with the updated S Note app, I had some notes written and I wanted to incorporate them into a document using Polaris Office. The full Screen document display in landscape in S Note makes this much easier to use when you have the apps open in side by side multitasking mode. I'm quite pleased with this change because it went from being a neat idea to a useful tool.
Yes, I see what you mean about the scroll bar in S Note. That's much better. I found moving around the page to be cumbersome before. When I have time l'll poke around and see if there are other changes/improvements.

sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1
I've noticed two other changes since the update one I like and the other I don't.

The one I don't like is in the stock browser, called "Internet". Before the update I was able to close the browser by tapping the X on the tab bar when I had only one tab opened. Now when I tap the X I get an aboutblank page and the browser does not close. :( I liked closing that way because it would clear out my browsing session and the next time I opened the browser I would see just my home page. Now - when I close the browser with the Home softkey and then reopen the browser my previous browsing session is still there. There are times when I might want this behavior but not always.

The one I like has to do with the Samsung app folders. Before the update when I would open an app from one of these folders and then close the app the keyboard would pop up as though it was expecting you to rename the folder. It was rather annoying. Now this does not happen and I'm very glad :)

sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1
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I didn't have the folder issue, no keyboard popped up for me before the update, but something I still don't like is that the folder stays open after you close the app started from within the folder. My ICS phone does not do this, I'll have to see if this can be adjusted in settings.
It is too bad about the browser, I always liked being able to back my way out of it as well. Of course unless I plan on using the multitasking function I usually use Opera Mobile anyway, and of course you you can exit it by backing out.

I am also seeing the folders staying open after the app is closed but I had that same behavior with ICS folders on my previous tablet. Perhaps it's a tablet thing. I've sort of gotten used to it. But now that you mention it I would rather that they close. If you find a setting please let me know.

sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1
I am also seeing the folders staying open after the app is closed but I had that same behavior with ICS folders on my previous tablet. Perhaps it's a tablet thing. I've sort of gotten used to it. But now that you mention it I would rather that they close. If you find a setting please let me know.

sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1

I have been all over settings to no avail......
Yeah I didnt see any folder options either.
I did notice some cool page turn animations in the S Note app though. Very cool in fact.