Recommend book readers for android tablets?


Mar 1, 2012
I have been looking at book readers for my Asus Eee Slider tablet. There are a ton of them. The problem is that they don't all work. I'm looking for a reader that will allow me to read all different formats, pdf, epub, txt, etc. Some do some but I haven't found any that do all.

Also, I'm looking for a way to catagorize my ebooks. I have a lot of technical books on programming, etc that I use for reference as required and then I have manuals (how to your your Asus Slider) and finallly the fictional books that I read for leisure entertainment (Fiction, mysteries, spy stories, etc). So I would like to go into just the category when I'm looking for a specific book instead of scrolling through the whole library.

Any recommendations? With the vast number of readers out there it could take forever to research them all.

Any help would be appreciated.

Jim R
After trying a number of different e-reader apps I've settled on FB Reader. It supports the widest range of formats including .mobi and zip files and you can use tags to organize your library.
+1 for FB Reader. I'm using it on my PCs and it worked with every format I've tried.
Install the app called Cool Reader. It supports all types of file formats and a free app that you can download from the Google play store.