Recover Precious Photos?


Jul 17, 2012
Hello there, I truly hope that someone can be of help please.

I have an acer a500, approximately five weeks old.
My grandfather was in hospital and I took some special photos of my young daughters and himself cuddled in in his final days.
All saved to the tablet and that was that. Apart from glancing at them all the time, without any problems. My grandfather lost his battle to cancer last week and I was hoping to get the precious photos developed before his funeral only I havent been able to do so. I turned on the tablet this morning only for it to turn off and reset itself to factory reset. Everything has gone. I am heartbroken, I truly am. is there a way to recover them at all please? They were all we had and would bring great comfort to myself as well as my little girls. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks for taking the time to read. p.s, I hadnt had the chance to install an sd card :(
I am sorry, I forgot to add that no applications etc have been added. As it came out of its box, thats how its stayed. Hope this helps.
My sympathies on the passing of your grandfather.

The photos may be gone, but there is a slight possibility that they are still on the device. That depends on what really happened when you turned the tablet on today.

The device should not automatically reset itself to factory state. The factory data reset is a manual procedure. If a full data reset did not occur, it is possible that user data was not cleared.

Update: I thought about this a little more. I would try the solution of using the USB cable and PC as suggested below by J515OP first. It's easier to use if you are already more familiar with the PC, and less likely to disturb any data on the internal storage. Either way should work though if the files are still intact.

You can check this by installing ES File Explorer from the Play Store. Use it to navigate to the /sdcard/DCIM/Camera folder. If the photos were not erased, that's where the files should be. If you find the files, you can use the file explorer to make copies to a USB stick or SD card, or use the USB cable to copy them to a PC.

If you were signed up for Google+ and you had sync turned on, I understand that it may also be possible then that the photos were uploaded to a Google server and may be accessible by some method using your Google account. I've never used Google+ so I don't have any more I can suggest regarding that.
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Good advice Mrhelper.

You can also try connecting your tablet to the PC with the usb cable it came with. When you do this a new drive should appear on the PC and you can look to see if the files are on that drive. If so you can copy them to your computer just like you would any other files.
I am sorry, I forgot to add that no applications etc have been added. As it came out of its box, thats how its stayed. Hope this helps.
My sympathies on your loss.

I would suggest you follow Mrhelper's advice by connecting your tablet to your PC via USB cable then run RESCUEPRO from SANDISK. It may work.
But, it is usually a hard lesson especially at this time for you, digital storage can be somewhat flakey at times, always, always make sure you back up your data files. As an amateur photo boffin, I keep backup upon backup of all my photos - even the bad ones.

And as far as SD CARDs go, always buy the best you can get for your money and not the cheapest.

You may try some android data recovery tool, here's a good step by step guide you can follow:

Helped me last time. However, one important note is that you should try to do the android data recovery as early as possible as longer you wait, more likely overwritten of the space of deleted files may happen, which may causes deleted files on the tablet unrecoverable.
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You may try some android data recovery tool, here's a good step by step guide you can follow: How to recover deleted formatted photo video files from android tablet

Helped me last time. However, one important note is that you should try to do the android data recovery as early as possible as longer you wait, more likely overwritten of the space of deleted files may happen, which may causes deleted files on the tablet unrecoverable.

You can resort to any sort of Android data recovery program.
I got my video back with a similar program of Myjad software.
You should at least try though.