replacing a ePad Zt-180 Android 2.2 tablet touch screen


Nov 23, 2011
  • How do you open the front of a ePad Zt-180 Android 2.2 tablet to put on a new touch screen
  • do you need tools, will it work, are there any instructions on the net, thank you


Kass you have too put a small pin like thing ( paperclip's) into the 2 hole's on the left hand side of the tablet.
whether it'll work after wards is another thing.
You tube has some video on how to open tablet. Use a paperclip in the two little holes at end of tablet. It will push a slide mechanism down each side of tablet then carefully pull screen off. Ive had mine open a few times

Sent from my zt180 using Android Tablet Forum
I just completed a broken screen replacement.. here are a couple of tips.

The two holes on the side work great, they release three sides of the case. You may need something small to slip into the edge to separate the two halves while pushing a paper clip as needed into these holes.

Peeling off the self-adhesive screen cover off made me nervous--I wasn't sure how well it would go back on. Instead, I was able to remove the old broken glass from the inside:
  • Open the outer case. The battery is taped to the back. Disconnect its cable from the circuit board so you can set the back aside.
  • The touch screen is connected to the top of the circuit board via a small plastic tab with wiring on it. It comes up on top from behind the LCD display. The connector it goes into has a black bottom piece that can be moved away a little bit to release the plastic tab. Do that now.
  • Remove the small screws that hold the circuit board in place and carefully lift it to expose the back of the LCD display.
  • Remove the four small screws that hold the LCD in place and lift the whole assembly away. Just be careful not to pull on any small wires.
  • Now you are at the glass. I removed each broken piece separately, slowly pealing them from the adhesive along their edge so as to not damage the plastic on front. I ended up breaking the last remaining large piece to more easily get it out. Clean up any remaining debris--perhaps use a can of compressed air so you don't leave anything behind.
  • Lay the new glass into place. Hold its plastic tab out of the way while laying the LCD back. Secure the LCD and then the circuit board.
  • Reattach the new touch screen's plastic connector tab to the circuit board. Reattach the battery from the case back and anything else that you've moved.
  • Put the case back together by first inserting the side opposite of the holes where we put the paper clips into the back, then carefully laying the rest back together--pressing the paperclips back in the holes again as needed to allow this without using too much force.
That's it. Good luck!

[By the way, when you order the replacement glass, measure the position of the plastic connector tab on your current glass first. I didn't and ended up with one designed for a different model with the tab in a slightly different spot. It still reached but I had to bend the tab at extreme angles and it was harder than if I had the right one to start with.]

Buzz gave you good instructions. He just forgot to mention that if you have a tft card in the memory slot, remove it first.

Sent from my zt180 using Android Tablet Forum