Req: ROM for 7042

From the sticky:

Why ClockworkMod and not Livesuite?
I recommend using Clockworkmod rather than Livesuite simply because using Clockworkmod to install the Google Apps flashable zip package or a Clockworkmod-compatible ROM minimizes issues related to Coby changing the hardware components inside the case. Since a custom Livesuite ROM cannot take into account hardware variations, quite often the Livesuite ROM will be installed and the tablet will not work properly. With Clockworkmod, a ROM developer can offer his ROM and offer patches to be installed along with the ROM to account for these hardware variations. With Clockworkmod and the Google Apps flashable zip package, a custom ROM isn't being installed at all and thus the hardware issues are avoided completely.
Boldface added in the quote above to emphasize the following point. LiveSuite ROMs are old, and Coby has changed the internals of the tablets at least twice so far, causing serious problems for the end user ranging from mundane issues such as the touchscreen not working to catastrophic issues such as bricking the tablet. Worse, LiveSuite itself has been known to brick tablets by destroying the ability to write to the flash storage on the device, thus rendering the device completely useless. Therefore, all links to Livesuite ROMs as well as links to LiveSuite itself were removed from the Generation 3 forums. In this forum are alternative ROMs, including CyanogenMod 9, which do not require LiveSuite to install. Use them.

As a postscript, anyone posting a link to a LiveSuite ROM will have their post deleted, without exception.