Restrict Background Data on Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 ... Where ? .. and more.


Oct 6, 2012
Hello to all again.

I am happy with the new Galaxy Note 8.0 tablet and I still have some very important (to me) questions:

1. Where is the "Restrict Background Data" option on this tablet?
I have been able to do it with my ASUS TF700 but not with that Galaxy Note 8.0
I am trying to restrict background data for when in "WiFi Only".
There seems to be an quite substantial increase of data usage ever since I set up that tablet ... !!

2. How do I make it to update app's on WiFi only ?
Again, for the Galaxy Note 8.0.
I am trying to get Google Play Store, especially among some others, to auto-update only with WiFi.

I have tried a method listed somewhere on the web but I am getting nowhere with that ... it said:
Go to: Menu (which and where?)>Settings>Auto-update apps> choose "auto-update apps over WiFi only""
I can't even find that anywhere !

Important Note: those two devices (ASUS TF700 and Galaxy Note 8.0) are "No Carrier", i.e.: not cell enabled.

Any suggestion(s) sure would be welcomed as the rate of data usage is increasing on a daily basis!

Thank you in advance.

Added information (which could be useful to solve the data hog!) ...:

At first, I only had the TF700 and all was running fine with the data: no hogging there.
Then we got the Galaxy Note 8.0 (last month) and upon starting for the first time, went through the usual set up.
Both devices run on the same WiFi network here at home.
So ... now BOTH devices show an extremely high data usage. It seems that whatever we did to set up the Galaxy Note 8.0 is now mirrored by the ASUS TF700.

We are "topped" at 2GB and this month only, the data usage went over 1 GB in a short period of time. I am afraid that if this keeps up that we will go way over our limit.
Here is what I do, and it serves me very well. Nothing is automatic on my phones or my tablet. Nothing from Google gets updated unless I check it, no mail gets checked unless I open the mail client and check it, Google and Amazon do NOT check for updates. If I spent the entire day away from my home network and never checked mail I would use virtually no data.

In short, my phones and my tablet are only doing something when I ask, I have control over it, not it over me.

You also should be able to turn the data off if worse comes to worse.
Here is what I do, and it serves me very well. Nothing is automatic on my phones or my tablet. Nothing from Google gets updated unless I check it, no mail gets checked unless I open the mail client and check it, Google and Amazon do NOT check for updates. If I spent the entire day away from my home network and never checked mail I would use virtually no data.

In short, my phones and my tablet are only doing something when I ask, I have control over it, not it over me.

You also should be able to turn the data off if worse comes to worse.
Thanks for the reply !
How do I get everything "not automatic" on this tablet the way you did it as you mention here ...?

The Galaxy Note 8.0 doesn't seem to show the same things (even if it is Android on both) as the TF700.
There is an app called gsam battery manager that does a great job of displaying the apps that run, use battery then you need to extrapolate which ones ran that use data. First you need to look at active apps, like weather apps, (again, mine only refreshes when I tell it to), and any other active widgets. Then your mail should have a setting on how often it should check (or sync). Mine is set to never. same for G-Mail. Any of those apps will have a setting that allows you to stop it from doing anything automatically. It takes a little research.