Return of the Pipo U1 Pro


Nov 15, 2011
cue Starwars music

So after 3 months I get a strange and unexpected email from McBub saying they shipped my package. Strange because I didn't order anything after the horrible experience trying to return my defective U1 pro back in April, that email was about 10 days ago. Today a package arrived in the post from McBub, a shiny new (not rebuilt) Pipo U1 pro. It doesn't lock up when I flex it, so I know it isn't mine that was returned, and after flashing the January 2013 OS it is right back to what I had before.

This was an unexpected occurrence and maybe they are so bad after all, but I doubt I will order from them again.

Hope this tablet works for a while, might integrate it into my car stereo or maybe give it to a friend so she will stop using her damn phone for everything, or maybe turn it into a streaming device for her TV.
Short lived... Has a problem with the touchscreen in the column where the F key resides in landscape mode, going to have to try and open it to see if there is a connector out of place and see if I can reset it. If not that I guess it is a reader or an HDMI out with BT control devices and it sits next to a TV always. Too bad, thought I might have actually got something good.
Touchscreen keeps freaking out, especially if I squeeze the case where the control chip is located. Going to check the solder joints on the control chip and see if any are broken and try to fix them, if this doesn't do it then it must be a broken flexible pcb and this tablet will be junk. Why is the quality control on all these so terrible, must of the best tablets like iPad and even Samsung are made in China so you would think these other brands would be a little higher level.
Finally spent the time to resolder the touchscreen control chip and everything is working now. Wonder how long it will last until something else dies.
Glad to hear it's finally working properly, hope it lasts for a while now.:eek:
one thing I'm finding is that no keyboards are using multitouch. I tested the tablet with a multitouch touch and found at least five touch support, but with the keyboard up I can't get more than a single key to register. Most noteable would be holding shift and pressing a letter. Kind of a pain. otherwise the wifi works really well considering my Acer a500 and the TV thing that I have so can't complain, and the 1280x800 resolution sure looks like nice when playing movies. I did find one other problem... When playing videos it seems to use 8 bit color, but if you load a different player you get full 32 bit color and nice smooth graduations. It must be something with the GPU and is something that many other people have complained about. XBMC and MX player seem to get around this problem so that's what I'm using. Netflix stills show issues, not sure how to fix this other than just deal with it.