[ROM] 105_wmt2.1.2_20110205-HcH for WMT2.0_105 / WMT2.1_105 / WMT2.1.2_105


Oct 26, 2010







This device came in a box labeled "MID" in green letters. Does not vibrate when turned on and has green LED. It shows WMT2.1.2_105 when booting, nasty firmware to find! In fact, I didn't. Thanks to some users who I've tried to help out with their CVUK-PC06-2GEN firmware this problem became clear to me. So any WMT2.1.2_105 you try on this device (I've tried an awful lot!) won't work! Lots of firmware get stuck on "Preparing software package" or on "UDisk Not found (/dev/sda)". So I've successfully bricked my device... Based on WMT2.0_105 I've managed to create a workaround for this problem.

Also compatible with a device that came in a blue box with WMT2.0_105, Green light powered on and black audio connectors, vibrate on startup. Reported to also work with WMT2.1_105, all include a USB/LAN Silver 24pin Connector.
* updated bootscreen
* changed default wallpaper
* added extra small games:
  -Bow Man 1.2
  -Bowshooter Lite
  -Chess For Android 1.5.6
  -Fly Racing
  -Papi Catch
  -Papi Jump
  -Papi Missile 100
  -Laser Reflections
  -Ultimate Cave 1.6.7
* added extra apps
  -Hystudio eBook Reader 2.1.5
  -Tricorder 5.11
  -Wifi Analyzer 2.3.1
  -WiFi File Explorer PRO 109
* fixed youtube by including WEB FLV 1.5 / Youtube support package, strange
  it's wasn't there in the first place.

* extra launcher dxtop
* fixed camera
* updated drivers to WMT2.1.6

* disabled / removed phone
* change boottext
* rooted
* market
* optimized windows loading
* loads extra apps
* loads extra games
* deleted scn/tcn stuff
* removed / disabled phone func
* cleared dalvic cache
* changed bootlogo
* updated wallpapers
* removed 6.5mb from launcher clearing ramspace
* enabled adp
* added more wallpapers incl thumbs

Apps added:

Advanced Task Killer Pro 195
Android VNC build 20100819
Androzip 104
App Monster pro 184
Battery Booster
Beautiful widgets 3241
Cachemate for rootusers 263
Connectbot 400 All
Dolphin Browser 250
Esfile Explorer
Free Memory Lite 244
Meridian Player 140
Quick Settings 197p2
Quick System Info Pro 152
Remote Desktop 190
Sticky Notes

Games added:

Air Attack Lite 306
Air Control 107
Bubble Burst Pro 211
Freecell 203
Grenades AS 113
Little Python 110
Robo Defense 120
Root Explorer 2124
Salvo 10
Solitaire 1111
Splat 13
Splat II 15
Tank Ace 1944 105
Tap and Furious 104
Throttle Copter
Zen Table Tennis 102

These are the roms failed loading on this tablet:

ECOTOX android 1.7
ECOTOX 1.3.1
M002 Slatedroid Mercury RC (Logo Fixed)
M002 Slatedroid Mercury RC Beta
Slatedroid v1.1
update software for the item CVUK-PC06-2GEN
WMT 2.1.6_105_LF-C_v1.0b

If all these didn't work, this rom is the one for you !

Download @ www.hch.net.tc / www.techknow.freeforums.org
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This is the ROM I was waiting for!!!! I did not flash my device because Tipstir warned users that generic pads with blue LED's and green earphone plug is not supported by his ROMS. I tried this one and it works like a charm. I would say my pad is 150% faster than it was. I new that my pad came with a Bogus Android 2.2 but I found that the worst part is that it only has 128MB of RAM. Those crooked chinese just want a quick sell, they edited system values as well to make it look like a 256MB device! My advice to those who are considering buying chinese branded tablets is that you make sure that you install system information apk's to see the true specs of the device. Only down side I have is that 3G is disabled for this ROM, aside from that its all good. Thanks RomanticEvil, is there a way I can get 3G back? an apk to install perhaps? Also all the previously running USB devices that I plugged in is not detected anymore (eg usb flash drive, ipod etc)
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This is the ROM I was waiting for!!!! I did not flash my device because Tipstir warned users that generic pads with blue LED's and green earphone plug is not supported by his ROMS. I tried this one and it works like a charm. I would say my pad is 150% faster than it was. I new that my pad came with a Bogus Android 2.2 but I found that the worst part is that it only has 128MB of RAM. Those crooked chinese just want a quick sell, they edited system values as well to make it look like a 256MB device! My advice to those who are considering buying chinese branded tablets is that you make sure that you install system information apk's to see the true specs of the device. Only down side I have is that 3G is disabled for this ROM, aside from that its all good. Thanks RomanticEvil, is there a way I can get 3G back? an apk to install perhaps? Also all the previously running USB devices that I plugged in is not detected anymore (eg usb flash drive, ipod etc)
Hi venomancer1980, thanks, you can enable 3G doing this in terminal/connectbot:

setenv modem3g_ui yes

that takes care of that. As for the problems with usb flash drives, it's reported but I don't have it, you can try a lower version of the ROM some say it works, but because no one is clear to me about this problem, what can I do ? I don't want to keep these low end tablets so I've sold them, can't test anything :( Maybe.... you can help ? First thing, try the version prior to this one, if that has USB working, I know where the problem is and I'll fix you up with a fixed ROM !
Hello RomanticEvil thanks for the super speedy ROM that you modded. Also thanks for the 3G script. I think you are the first one to have done this for the GENERIC Pads having BLUE LED/RED when charging and Green headphone jack. Tried the 88_wmt2.1.1_2.1.2_20110122 and this has USB Host Capabilities. All usb devices I tried to plugin were detected. Cant wait for the next ROM update :) Keep up the intelligent work and more power.
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Thank you very much venomancer1980, yea there aren't modded blue led roms that I'm aware of, Tipstir has done a great mod for the m009 that I know. Keep updated, some fixes are being done like the 3G is being recovered due populair demand :)
OMG...thank you, thank you, thank you. I bought two of these Chinese tablets at Christmas. One of them just stopped working, I've tried ROM after ROM with no luck. In fact, I just recently posted about me having given up on it. Well, I saw this post, used this ROM and Voila...the tablet works like new. WAIT...better than new! Thanks again!!!
hey every one may have your wided mind to help me.. i cant open my tablet cause its automatically locked..