[ROM] HSG MIDX5A Official Android 2.1 Firmware


Staff member
Jul 9, 2010
X5A-G (#157)

X5A-G/X6D (#153)

Depending how which device you have, the method to flash this firmware may differ.

To enter firmware flash mode, you may either have to press the internal switch, or it will be the combination of pressing the touchscreen while pressing the power button.

Steps translated from the BBS:

Steps below:
1) Install the device driver onto your PC, VTC Driver Installer v5.00 for 2000_XP
2) Copy FWDN_V7_CFG to the Windows directory in your Windows OS volume (C:)
3) Run FWDN_V7_v2.09
4) Fill in the fields to put in lk7001.rom and tcc8900_mtd7001.img (refer to PDF CBS7001Android系统升级指导书_V1.00) steps 2(2) to 2(3).
5) With the HSG MIDX5A off, plug in the charger while pressing the touchscreen, and pressing the power button. Your device is in firmware flashing mode if the screen stops at the device startup sequence.
6) Plug the PC data cable into the HSG MIDX5a's mini USB port
7) Continue with PDF instructions (CBS7001Android系统升级指导书_V1.00), step 2(5)
8) Firmware flash is complete.

Additional Notes:
If it doesn't work, try flashing the firmware a second time. Also be sure to use a high quality miniUSB cable during the flash.
Related upgrade PDF instructions are in root TCC8902 directory
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Where is the pdf in english or do you have the directions in english for how to enter the information for this part "4) Fill in the fields to put in lk7001.rom and tcc8900_mtd7001.img (refer to PDF CBS7001Android系统升级指导书_V1.00) steps 2(2) to 2(3)."

I can not get into my tablet to look at the root directory.
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I need this firmware too. I want to try updating mine since the version I have seems to have a problem with widgets. Hoping a firmware update will help.
Hi I would really like to find the firmware for android 2.1, I have a Telechip android and rather than sending back to china at an outrageous shipping fee, I'd rather be able to just fix it myself. I am new to all the terms but did have an android M001 and managed to find good firmware/script for that which was a Godsend! Anyone out there have a good Script/Firmware for 2.1? The one I used for the M001 model was from Eken even though my model wasn't an Eken , the Script worked like a charm - Thanks
Hi I would really like to find the firmware for android 2.1, I have a Telechip android and rather than sending back to china at an outrageous shipping fee, I'd rather be able to just fix it myself. I am new to all the terms but did have an android M001 and managed to find good firmware/script for that which was a Godsend! Anyone out there have a good Script/Firmware for 2.1? The one I used for the M001 model was from Eken even though my model wasn't an Eken , the Script worked like a charm - Thanks

what tablet do you have?
Sorry. Link was broken. See Index of /xaueious/TCC8902/

gpad have a g11 2 gb, and I'm trying to update it, because it does not work wi-fi, also I have a problem since restored the original settings and it does not respond correctly touchscreen does anyone know how to solve. Thank you.
gpad have a g11 2 gb, and I'm trying to update it, because it does not work wi-fi, also I have a problem since restored the original settings and it does not respond correctly touchscreen does anyone know how to solve. Thank you.