[rom] paranoid android jb 4.1.2

Hi first of all a big thanks flash. When I first got this tab there were no alternative ROMs. I have now tried all of your ROMs and love em.
I have a really annoying issue with this ROM though, I can't seem to remove home screens , it will let me add them but not remove them. I am using nova prime. Cheers.

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I can't delete apps or widgets from desktop either. I have made sure lock desktop is not selected in nova settings. Is there something I have missed?

Edit: No worries a fresh install seems to of done the trick. I don't think I wiped dalvik last time (forgot) even though I formatted everything. Could that of been the issue?

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Always wipe dalvik and cache , glad you are enjoying this ROM, I have 2 other paranoid romsone from Asus tf300 and the other from the Asus tf 700 bothe ROMs are inferior to this one and seem slower

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Loving paranoid. Only one issue so far I've encountered is if you try and change your lock screen in the lock screen menu you get a fc. But you can change it in the security option with no hassle so not a big issue. Also lock screen related if you try and display weather it just says n/a. Again no biggie.
I believe the standard lock screen settings has been removed so ROM control functions correctly, as for the n/a weather location on the lock screen, it could be because I had to hack framework.res.apk for USB mounting to work which messed up some other XML files in the framework.res , that's why internal sdcard under storage settings say some weird stuff in the header, I have gone through the framework.res and have no found problem yet
Also got beats audio to function, looks like my libsurfaceflinger.so hack works , keyboard seems more responsive and so does tapatalk
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Would be nice to see HDMI settings as HDMI works well. I notice the Navy bar grows huge on HDMI but it doesn't matter because when you watch a film the bav bar disappears anyway. Keep up the good work. I dont
usually stray away from cm on my phone. I don't like paranoid on my s3 but on this tablet its great.

Also free app alert! Its called tablet remote on the play store. If you use HDMI it allows you to use your phone as a remote for your tablet and you can pretty much do anything. The ui on the app is really nice too.
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Would be nice to see HDMI settings as HDMI works well. I notice the Navy bar grows huge on HDMI but it doesn't matter because when you watch a film the bav bar disappears anyway. Keep up the good work. I dont
usually stray away from cm on my phone. I don't like paranoid on my s3 but on this tablet its great.

Also free app alert! Its called tablet remote on the play store. If you use HDMI it allows you to use your phone as a remote for your tablet and you can pretty much do anything. The ui on the app is really nice too.

Nice find, I know about the HDMI settings, its a lot of work started to work on it but what I am afraid if is messing the framework.res up more, settings.apk also has to be hacked that's where the settings headers are stored.

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OK just got another grouper nexus 7 paranoid ROM booting, fixed internal sdcard header in storage settings, paranoid settings works, sound ,camera and libsurfaceflinger.so all working, init.d support works, less customization but less bugs. Paranoid version 2.54 which is the last 4.1.2 paranoid version


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The MD Sum of of this lates Paranoid Rom doesn't match. It sez on the download site its 357d441251abd51f0ae6628d359eda03...this file md5 sum is : cb21ab574e88dc7da27c7c79ec65e86a. Let me redownload one more time. Download with opera its matches weired
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Cool. Sounds great. If its a nexus port will it still support HDMI?

As the process of porting my new paranoid nexus ROM is the same as previous ports, then I would say HDMI should work. When porting these ROMs all libs are 99 % from our cm10 ROM, same with etc folder with minor changes,bin, xbin, are from superhansi's cm10, the only major changes are framework folder with some minor tweaks. Had this port done in 5 minutes. If your are reading about doing ports, the existing guides on xda are somewhat correct but you also need to import some of our framework files into the ROM you are trying to port, also updater script gives you some hints to which files needs to be injected into your attempted port

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So did some minor alterations to my lastest paranoid ROM, all looks good, paranoid preferences works 100% you can change the tablet from phone, phablet and tablet mode, phablet mode gives you the top status bar with the centred navigation bars at the bottom. Release coming soon

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