Root Chinese Tablet Rockchip ex047n ?


Jun 6, 2013
i have a new chinese tablet which name is expad 047 it comes with android 4.1
i need to root it bc i cant install alot of apps without root such as whats up and tiitanum backup, DooMLoRD_v4_ROOT, unlockroots ) but all of them dosent work .

i tried most of apps here but not working ( tried z4root, super one click ,
first i didnt have the tablet driver but i installed it with a DriverPackSolution program but i still cant root my tablet
the tablet specificatoins is :
cpu : rockchip rk3066 1.6Hz dual-core
ram : 1GB ddr3
system : android 4.1
storage : 8GB
size : 8 inch

product of ashtel group , microdigt is a brand of ashtel
Ashtel Group Web
but I dident find anything in it
there are more things like wifi , came , apps and other stuff if its important tell me to add them

and i found this information that may be important in rotting possess
when i connect my tablet to google store google read it as " rockchip ex047n "
so i think if the second type can be rooted so we can use the same way as mine

so can u help me please ?
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