Rooted users have regained 'in store' reading (rooted 1.1 news)


Senior Member
Jan 8, 2011
Well for those that live close to a Barnes and Noble and would use the free in-store reading, good reason to update to 1.1 (rooted of course)

Was checking threads over on XDA and found this thread

Visited an Barnes and Noble store last night. - xda-developers

It appears that in the 1.1 update from B&N they restored the in store reading feature that went missing when we rooted.

The nearest B&N store is 60 miles from me, so I didn't even care about this feature, but I know there were many that did.
From what I remember, there were several people that were bummed that they lost this feature when they rooted. It is good to see that B&N recognized that although people may not use their device for what they intended it for, by allowing them to keep the in store reading, they are creating more loyal customers.
I never did get a chance to revisit b&n to test out 1.0 or 1.0.1. to see if I was one of the unlucky ones with this issue.