Rooting a Haipad M701-R?

z4root worked wonders on mine too. No commands or any of that just a click or two.
ok here goes.... after question after question.... no one helps.. no real tuts just guess work i think.. i have been flashing games consoles for a good few years now.. (easy) 10yrs proper tuts.... but all i can say is rooting and updating a m701 is crap.. well finding info on it...
any way all those who cant recognise ther apad via sdk/adb.... you need the Motorola drivers... not one tutorial has said this ... this its taken me weeks to find this out.. please do a sticky mods.....

please please.

also a sticky on update rom

My god I spent two days trying to work this out. And all i had to do was install the motarola drivers. and bang... all the tuts assume you have adb working!

you can root M701-R in factory firmware ( #121 MID 1.1 )?

how to root it , i root it by use command

when i type
adb shell mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system

it said "device offline"

i can't copy su file into my device but can install superuser.apk

how to ?
Hi would these same commands work for any or all A31 Allwinner gen Chinese tablets. I have one of the Ippo types?