Rooting and Google Marketplace using update to 7015A....step by step process

can any one please pm me the watry download link? i keep geting the error form drop box temporarilly down =[ please reply ASAP

Personally HCV15.0-B22 is better than watery. I say that because Watery has not been worked on in a long time, and the B22 just came out about 4 days or so ago. It is really fast and blows the stock ROM off the charts!
Good afternoon, I was following the tutorial, but I did something that went wrong. I installed the update using the "clock ".

this archive:
Alternately from:

I used the same system, install the GAPP.
now when I turn on my tablet, it stays on the screen of COBY. already waited 30 minutes and nothing.
Can someone help me?

sorry if my english is not very good, I used google translate.


can not turn off, already pressed the reset button, and the problem continues.
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Hi - I've tried loading the z4root file repeatedly, and keep getting a message that says "Parse error - There is a problem parsing the package." Any idea what the problem is? Thanks!
THANK YOU!!!! I was ready to pull my hair out after installing the update and losing gapps. Tried several other things including factory resetting twice, was about ready to scrap the tablet out of frustration - but your way worked. Thanks for saving my sanity (what's left of it!) ... and my tablet! :)

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I gave this tablet to my daughter Friday for her birthday...I'd been working on getting this process to work the past few nights, not knowing what I was doing wrong. I finally took the time to investigate my SD card. I'd forgotten to upzip flash_image and instead just dropped the zip file in. oops.....I swear I put the unzipped file on the card. Anyway after moving it from the PC to the SD card (unzipped) everything went great. for that ROM upgrade.

I'm pretty sure I can do this whole process now (with a preloaded sd card) without looking at the instructions.

first I would like to thank the person who posted this guideline! very simple and helpful. I have followed all the instructions and I have perfectly root my kyros.
Now. I have been deleting some apps and I would like to go back in time, since I am getting a google process end pop up every time I am using the market.

Can anyone guide me on how to reset my kyros back as it was after I rooted?

Some details you should know:
- after I rooted my kyros, I have not done any back up (I know, I know... I should!)
- I have deleted some apps and reinstalled others (If you need, I can post all the apps)

Thank you very much for your help!
everytime i try to enter cp /sdcard/flash_image /system/bin/flash_image i keep getting
cp: omitting directory '/sdcard/flash_image '
what do i do to get passed this step? and yes i am in SU mode and it has the # sign on it.
I have two of these Coby M7015 tablets;one will run Z4root and the other just spins on line 7 of the instructions. Z4Root, after several attempts, just runs, runs, and runs for hours. Please tell me what I failed to do correctly. Many thanks.
You can try SuperOneClick, it works with many devices. Make sure your computer recognizes the tablet in the USB port. If you don't have drivers (on Windows), you will need either Android SDK or
I'm not really sure if I'm doing the right thing here because I'm using MID 8024, Yes I have installed all the things that are listed on the instructions, problem is that I am not seeing supper user. I've click on the permanent root on Z4 many times and still not seeing it. Is there a different way of rooting MID 8024?
Z4, if it works, will only enable root AFAIK. You will need to install Superuser.apk manually, which can be downloaded from its official website or through Market.
Are you the person that had the strange bright blue line on your screen no matter what you did? Did you get it to go away and how? I just received a Toshiba tablet and it has the same bright skinny blue line across the screen. The line doesn't rotate with the screen and it doesn't move. How do I get rid of it or do I have a defetive tablet?
Are you the person that had the strange bright blue line on your screen no matter what you did? Did you get it to go away and how? I just received a Toshiba tablet and it has the same bright skinny blue line across the screen. The line doesn't rotate with the screen and it doesn't move. How do I get rid of it or do I have a defetive tablet?

Stuck line with just one color usually means a defective LCD.