Rooting Coby Kyros MID9765-8 (and Firmware Dump)


Dec 5, 2013
Hi all,

I'm new to this forum, having stumbled across it while searching for a way to get Google Play on my tablet.

I have one a Pendo Industries Pty Ltd. PendoPad 9.7? - Dual Core - PNDPP4MT9G3 Pendo Industries Pty Ltd., which I'm 95% sure is a rebranded Coby Kyros MID9765-8 in Australia.

I'm at a loss as to how to get Google Play on this device, but we'll come to that later.

Having seen that you are requesting firmware dumps, I tried to dump my own, but with no luck. I've tried the dump instructions here:, but I get errors (see attached).

So, firstly, how can I dump my firmware for uploading to this forum?

Secondly, any advice you can give me to push me in the right direction (re: Google Play) would be greatly appreciated.


Tano $screenshot.png
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It's no surprise my dump utility doesn't work, given that the system structure of Generation 3 and 4 tablets are totally different and the tool is intended for Generation 3 tablets. To the best of my knowledge there is no dump process for the Generation 4 tablets. Look in the Generation 4 Technical forum as there may be a root procedure there.
I will post instructions on dumping these tablets these evening, I have already posted them but not in just one thread.
You can root the tablet via adb, instructions on that is also posted just not in one thread.
Also seeing you need playstore, your tablet wouldn't be a 9765 instead it's a 9760, the difference being one has playstore the other doesn't.
Also seeing you need playstore, your tablet wouldn't be a 9765 instead it's a 9760, the difference being one has playstore the other doesn't.

Ah, you must be right. I wasn't aware there was a similar model that had PlayStore, though. Does this mean it's a matter of obtaining a firmware dump of a 9765 and loading it onto my 9760?
Ah, you must be right. I wasn't aware there was a similar model that had PlayStore, though. Does this mean it's a matter of obtaining a firmware dump of a 9765 and loading it onto my 9760?

That is a possibility, but you are the first of either kind here. Since you are the first, take your time and make a system backup.

If you can get cwm recovery working, you can load the playstore files by installable zip. Thats the way its done on Coby Gen 3 tabs.

This is one thread where vampirefo shows how to make a Gen 4 system dump:

If you are successful, post it in the requesting gen 4 dumps thread.
OK, so I had a go from that link tpaine posted, and here are my results:

shell@android:/ $ cat /proc/mtdcat /proc/mtd
dev: size erasesize name
mtd0: 00800000 00200000 "bootloader"
mtd1: 00800000 00400000 "logo"
mtd2: 00800000 00400000 "aml_logo"
mtd3: 00800000 00400000 "recovery"
mtd4: 00800000 00400000 "boot"
mtd5: 20000000 00400000 "system"
mtd6: 08000000 00400000 "factory"
mtd7: 20000000 00400000 "cache"
mtd8: 90000000 00400000 "userdata"
mtd9: 123000000 00400000 "NFTL_Part"
shell@android:/ $

When trying the dump, though...

shell@android:/ $ su
shell@android:/ # mkdir /sdcard/dump
mkdir /sdcard/dump
mkdir failed for /sdcard/dump, File exists
255|shell@android:/ # cat /dev/mtd/mtd4 > /sdcard/dump/boot.img
cat /dev/mtd/mtd4 > /sdcard/dump/boot.img
shell@android:/ # cat /dev/mtd/mtd3 > /sdcard/dump/recovery.img
cat /dev/mtd/mtd3 > /sdcard/dump/recovery.img
shell@android:/ # cat /dev/mtd/mtd0 > /sdcard/dump/bootloader.img
cat /dev/mtd/mtd0 > /sdcard/dump/bootloader.img
shell@android:/ # busybox tar -czvf /sdcard/dump/coby33_system.tgz /system
busybox tar -czvf /sdcard/dump/coby33_system.tgz /system
tar: removing leading '/' from member names
134|shell@android:/ #

Is the last command device specific? Any idea what I need to change.

By the way, thanks for all of your help, I really appreciate you taking the time to assist someone so obviously new to this!

Edit: I've just checked the output files, and boot.img, bootloader.img and recovery.img are all 8MB in size. Does that sound right?
OK, so I had a go from that link tpaine posted, and here are my results:

When trying the dump, though...

Is the last command device specific? Any idea what I need to change.

By the way, thanks for all of your help, I really appreciate you taking the time to assist someone so obviously new to this!

Edit: I've just checked the output files, and boot.img, bootloader.img and recovery.img are all 8MB in size. Does that sound right?

The 8mb size for those files is correct.

Your "remove leading /" system file error is normal. You will need to update busybox.
Excellent. Updating Busybox did the trick. I'll post my dump in the appropriate thread.

Now, is there a safe way to get CWM on my tablet? And you mentioned installing Gapps as a zip file - I tried that through the stock recovery, and Playstore kept crashing. Is there a particular install I need? Or will using CWM instead of the stock make a difference?

By the way, I've seen you guys do a lot of testing from this forum. If you need me to test anything on my tablet (due to it's uniqueness on this board), just say the word - I'm more than happy to help.
Hi all,

Sorry for bumping my own thread, but I have a problem. My tablet is stuck in a bootloop. I have a NAND backup, but when I try to restore it I receive a CRC error. Apparently this can be fixed with ADB commands (according to Google).

Unfortunately, while I can boot to recovery (and subsequently, Vampirefo's recovery), my computer doesn't detect my tablet, and 'adb devices' gives me a blank.

Are there any generic drivers I can install onto my computer to re-establish contact with my tablet? Failing that, are there any other troubleshooting steps I can try? Thanks in advance.
Hi all,

Sorry for bumping my own thread, but I have a problem. My tablet is stuck in a bootloop. I have a NAND backup, but when I try to restore it I receive a CRC error. Apparently this can be fixed with ADB commands (according to Google).

Unfortunately, while I can boot to recovery (and subsequently, Vampirefo's recovery), my computer doesn't detect my tablet, and 'adb devices' gives me a blank.

Are there any generic drivers I can install onto my computer to re-establish contact with my tablet? Failing that, are there any other troubleshooting steps I can try? Thanks in advance.

I need more information, what caused the bootloop? do you get any errors in stock recovery? CRC error on nand backup? Does this mean a backup with my recovery if so most likely it is bad due to Coby's time limit. Do custom install and only install system.

All of these tablets have a time limit so backups get corrupt unless you use a kernel from W17 Pro, that kernel has no time limit while it works on 7065, I have no ideal if it would work on 8065, 9765 and so on.

One can't make full backups of theses tablets as time limit corrupts the backup unless you use a kernel from W17 Pro which has no time limit. If you have a backup just use another android or card reader and redo the md5sum that's what you want adb for but you can do the same thing via card reader.

But first try custom install, and install just system.
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I need more information, what caused the bootloop?

I was hoping you wouldn't ask this, to save me admitting I stuffed up! All apps in the Play store were saying they were 'incompatible with my device', so I edited the build.prop to try to get around this. Clearly I didn't fully know what I was doing, and I'm bootlooping now.

do you get any errors in stock recovery?

No, apart from the usual 'E:' related ones.

E: Bad bootloader arguments
E: unknown volume for path [/udisk/factory_update_param.aml]
E:Can't mount /udisk/factory_update_param.aml

CRC error on nand backup? Does this mean a backup with my recovery if so most likely it is bad due to Coby's time limit. Do custom install and only install system.

All of these tablets have a time limit so backups get corrupt unless you use a kernel from W17 Pro, that kernel has no time limit while it works on 7065, I have no ideal if it would work on 8065, 9765 and so on.

One can't make full backups of theses tablets as time limit corrupts the backup unless you use a kernel from W17 Pro which has no time limit. If you have a backup just use another android or card reader and redo the md5sum that's what you want adb for but you can do the same thing via card reader.

But first try custom install, and install just system.

Outstanding! Thanks for your help. I had no idea you could rebuild a *.md5 without adb. In the end, I just created an empty nandroid.md5 file, and that passed the check.

We're back up and running. Cheers, Vampirefo. Much appreciated
Glad you got it fixed, for build.prop look at 7065 or 8065 build.prop

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Android Phone
Hi all,

I'm new to this forum, having stumbled across it while searching for a way to get Google Play on my tablet.

I have one a Pendo Industries Pty Ltd. PendoPad 9.7? - Dual Core - PNDPP4MT9G3 Pendo Industries Pty Ltd., which I'm 95% sure is a rebranded Coby Kyros MID9765-8 in Australia.

Just FWIW, the PNPPP4MT9G3 is a Coby MID9762, not MID9760/5. They may (or may not) be firmware compatible.
