Rooting Instructions for Coby Kyros MID7051

Apr 12, 2013
I bought a Coby Kyros MID-7051 and I am very disappointed to discover that Google Play isn't available with the device--meaning I CAN'T INSTALL GOOGLE APPS!!! Most reliable android apps are from Google. :( Could anyone here help me? I suppose someone can help me in rooting my device like other Kyros tablets. Thanks in advance!
Vampirefo, I had the exact same problems rooting my MID7060-4 GEN4 device. Doing google searches I found this may be a problem with sd cards larger than 2GB. Did not have any 2gb or less micro sd cards around to test this. Ended up getting it rooted as I posted here.
I have the same tablet mid 7051 and i have try so many program and any programs works, some one can help??