Rooting the Augen Gentouch


Press the home button and reset, keep the home button press until you get the clockwork screen you will see the nandroid option.
Thanks for the link, I did got the clockwork flashed, but I'm not sure from where can I do the nandroid backup, Help please ??

the control buttons when you're in Clockwork recovery are...

HOME= select
"BACK"= previous screen(for use when you're in the menues and sub menues)
"MENU" AND " SEARCH"= scrolling up and down
the control buttons when you're in Clockwork recovery are...

HOME= select
"BACK"= previous screen(for use when you're in the menues and sub menues)
"MENU" AND " SEARCH"= scrolling up and down

I'm not able to perform the nandroid backup bec. of the SD card slot, it does not keep/lock the sd card in place, once I hear the click that the sd card is inserted, it becomes loose , even sometimes the sd card goes not even in the slot , it seems the sd card slot is defective :(( bad luck, I had every thing working but this issue

Any help or advice on similar issue ??
I'm not able to perform the nandroid backup bec. of the SD card slot, it does not keep/lock the sd card in place, once I hear the click that the sd card is inserted, it becomes loose , even sometimes the sd card goes not even in the slot , it seems the sd card slot is defective :(( bad luck, I had every thing working but this issue

Any help or advice on similar issue ??

yeah had the same issue to.. it's not mounting the sd... there's a menu item that'll lead to an option to do so.. i don't have my GT in front of me or i'd tell you which one but it has options to mount and unmount differnt aspects of the hardware and software.... just look into the menus.. if it not there then just back out by using the "back" button.. once you mount the sd card it'll allow you to do nandroid back up...

and inversly you may have to mount the card to restore if you're going to restore from a previous back up...
I have problem using root

where do you put the super user after you download it? anywhere on the computer?

then to use adb from command prompt should my default startup be android-sdk-windows/tools?
I have problem using root

where do you put the super user after you download it? anywhere on the computer?

then to use adb from command prompt should my default startup be android-sdk-windows/tools?

you can either put it in the root of your c:\ on your pc or another directory.. BUT if you do you have to amend the adb comands to reflect that dir change....
i.e. ... if you placed the unzipped files in a folder on your c:\ called "android" the comands would be changed to this....

adb push /android/system/app/Superuser.apk /system/app/
adb push /android/system/xbin/su /system/xbin
adb shell rm /system/bin/su
adb shell ln -s /android/system/xbin/su /system/bin/su
adb shell chmod 6755 /system/xbin/su
adb shell reboot

any questions feel free to PM me...
I still dont get it

but where do I put the files so that the commands run like in the first post?

and your commands look very different than the first post ones.

for example:

your first command
adb push /android/system/app/Superuser.apk /system/app/

first post(first command)
adb push ./system/app/Superuser.apk /system/app/

WHY is there a . in front of/system?!!?!

I really need some help here(this should be easy) but its not!
The 'adb push' command is structured to accept two locations

For example:
 adb push /android/system/app/Superuser.apk /system/app/
'/android/system/app/Superuser.apk' = path to the file you want to put into your Android device
'/system/app/' = path within your Android device

It's just relative or absolute file paths...
I still dont get it

but where do I put the files so that the commands run like in the first post?

and your commands look very different than the first post ones.

for example:

your first command
adb push /android/system/app/Superuser.apk /system/app/

first post(first command)
adb push ./system/app/Superuser.apk /system/app/

WHY is there a . in front of/system?!!?!

I really need some help here(this should be easy) but its not!

sorry if i confused you...
as i said you either unzip the file you downloaded directly to your c: drive... not in to any folder but on the c: .. which would lead you to using the original posts direections.. yet i could only get it to work by eliminating the "."'s that you have pointed out....

OR... if you do unzip the files to a specific folder... as in my previous explaination using a folder named "android" on the c:\ then you have to use that folder as in my example...
dam it

I tried putting the files directly on C harddrive

but when I get to adb shell I get too many problems like-that file/directory doesnt exist!

someone help!
dam it

I tried putting the files directly on C harddrive

but when I get to adb shell I get too many problems like-that file/directory doesnt exist!

someone help!
Take screenshots and be more specific if you can...

I think I rooted it but Im not sure.

I redid the whole process without any errors.

however, but when I did get to adb shell commands and pressed enter, I dont know if it went through to the device because it the command prompt line just went down a step with no information like with adb push

is there a way to check if you rooted it or not?
yeah had the same issue to.. it's not mounting the sd... there's a menu item that'll lead to an option to do so.. i don't have my GT in front of me or i'd tell you which one but it has options to mount and unmount differnt aspects of the hardware and software.... just look into the menus.. if it not there then just back out by using the "back" button.. once you mount the sd card it'll allow you to do nandroid back up...

and inversly you may have to mount the card to restore if you're going to restore from a previous back up...

I'd appreciate if you can find out where I can get this menu option, as I looked around and no luck, even in theSettings, the section for SD card is all dimmed as the GT does not see the SD card
I'd appreciate if you can find out where I can get this menu option, as I looked around and no luck, even in theSettings, the section for SD card is all dimmed as the GT does not see the SD card

It's not showing the card even with the device upa nd running regular, in not in clockwork recovery?

then i'd say try reinserting your card first.. then if that didn't so it.. try another card... and still no luck .. it's prob the tablet.. :(

AND.. for further ref... the menu in clockwork that will allow you to mount the sd is the one called "partitions"... it's down about the 4th or 5th option... there's actually an option to even mount a usb drive... haven't tried that yet.. will post when i do...
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