Rooting Trouble


Apr 9, 2011
Okay so i know people have already posted stuff like this but ive been honestly trying to figure out whats up for 2 days already an its come to me posting on this forum.

I purchased a coby kyros 7015 about 2 days ago, stupidly, first thing i did was go to the coby site and update it to the 7015a file. after that i tried to root it. the part where i got stuck on for a day was the part where you type (/sdcard/recovery.img) (using ultimate guide). no matter what i did, all i got was "permission denied" did the z4root, placed the recovery.img on my sd card. an kept getting, permission denied. so i did my research an eventually found that it was the new 7015a firmware that was stopping it according to many forums. so immediatly, i tried seeking the original firmware that came on the coby kyros. i found 2, an both of them did not work for me, it kept saying " E: signature varification failed" an was confused, so i redownloaded the updated firmware off the coby site once again to see if that would work again, and it did. i double clicked the file from the boy site in winrar, an there was somethin on the right of it sayin it was apk signed, an the ones i found from forums just looked like normal zip files. my guess is thats why it didnt work. if anyone could please give me a step by step instructions on how to bring back my coby kyros back to the origanal firmware i recieved it in, that would be awesome an also please put a link of the original file that work. thank you
Did you do su before you ran the command?
the update don't matter it was probably updated already.
yeah, an i also forgot to add. when i type "android-sdk-windows\tools" an then typed "adb shell" it never worked. i then tried "android-sdk-windows\platform-tools" then "adb shell" an it would work. i then typed "su" an on my coby kyros, "superuser access granted" would appear. i then would type "/sdcard/recovery.img" an get the same, permission denied
got stuck on the second command :(

# cp /sdcard/flash_image /system/bin/flash_image
cp /sdcard/flash_image /system/bin/flash_image
cp: omitting directory '/sdcard/flash_image'
# chown /system/bin/flash_image
chown /system/bin/flash_image
Unable to chmod /system/bin/flash_image: No such file or directory
same thing as before :( e signiture thing. do you think it has somethin to do with the zipped rom files not being signed?
Kind of a dumb question and a stab in the dark but you have pressed the hard reset button on the back?
I dunno if this Is a Dumb Question..But are you Extracting whats in the Update zip File?....If so you are to put the Zipped folder on your SD card.
i think i may have found the problem why it does not work. the roms you guys have been sending me are not signapk (signed), the one off the coby site, which works, is signed as you can see in my pictures below which might explain why it says e:signiture verification..... does any body have a rom that is signed or know how to do it.

works, from the coby site, signed as you can see.

doesnt work, not signed, the ones you guys have sent me look jus like this when you open them
anyone? help :(

I've been researching and have to say I'm stumped. The only thing I can think of is maybe Coby did something to the latest update to cause this. From what I've read about people having this problem with phones is someone has to come up with a hack to allow unsigned updates. Hope I'm wrong.
Would advise against other folks installing the latest update if this is the case.