Rovio Hints at Angry Birds & Star Wars Tie-In with New Teaser


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

It seems like the folks at Rovio want to take the Angry Birds franchise way beyond just into Space. Now they want to go to "A galaxy far far away..." The teaser pic above (and link below) seems to indicate that the Angry Birds franchise will soon get a Star Wars tie-in of some kind. Here's what Rovio shared along with the pic,

Welcome to the Angry Birds Tumblr page. Over the next few weeks we’ll have behind-the-scenes content, animations, comics, and much, much more. But what will this all be about exactly?! Here’s a clue…

Times Square, New York, October 8th, 10am EST.

HINT: Head to Toys R Us at 8am EST!

What do you guys think? Could a Star Wars/Angry Birds combo get you to return to the series again, or are you one of those folks who still play Angry Birds from time to time?

Source: Angry Birds