Running From the Charger


Senior Member
Dec 20, 2011
When the battery-low notification appears, I plug in the standard Vizio charger. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that the tablet can run from the charger only. I'm familiar with the condition of letting the battery get so low it won't boot up, but this is a situation where it seems it doesn't matter what the charge level is, the tablet continues to discharge slowly even when on external power. This occurs in Airplane mode w/wifi enabled. I'm used to running laptops with no batteries at all. Is the USB charging spec less than the Vtab requires to function?
Are you trying to charge with Vizio's supplied wall wart or a computer's USB port? The USB port's current won't come close to the 2 amps the Vizio charger puts out. Also be aware the USB port attached to Vizio's motherboard is a weak link and prone to breaking (quite a few threads on this problem) and if I must use mine while I charge I do not use it hand-held but leave it lying on the table until fully charged.

Edit: Sorry, after re-reading your post I noticed you are using the official charger and that should charge while using the tablet. The warning about the weak USB jack connection on the motherboard still applies. Is it still a tight snap fit or is it getting loose and wobbly? Other than that the supplied charger might be starting to fail.
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As someone else pointed out, it could be electrically possible for the charge indicator led to light w/o the battery actually being charged. However, the small 'lightning bolt' periodically shows, and the usb-to-charger connection has to be working or neither the led nor the lightning bolt would show at all. It would seem that the provided charger is not able to keep up with the tablet's power use, even with everything but wifi shut off.
I thought I'd read that the usb standard had been modified to allow for charging-only applications. In those cases, much more current than the org. limit was allowed. Just wondering if it's still not enough for the Vtab's consumption, or if a higher capacity transformer would solve it?