S7 Slim with no battery?


Jan 9, 2012

I have just purchased an S7 Slim and unfortunately it did not include a battery. Can anyone tell me -- does your unit work without the battery installed but plugged in to the wall? I ask because mine does not power on at all without the battery in it and I do not have a battery to test in the unit. I need to order a battery from China but obviously I don't want to order it if it already is not turning on and is supposed to without the battery but plugged in to ac.

So, can you try running your unit without the battery and plugged in to the wall?

MANY thanks!

*EDIT* After some fiddling, I determined that it does work without the battery. I have a bad cable!!!!

Thanks anyway!
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Everything I've read about your tablet says it comes with a battery. If yours didn't, you should be going after whoever you bought it from to provide you with one. Check "What's in the box?": Huawei Ideos S7 Slim review
Actually I purchased the unit as "open box" and it did not include the battery -- but that was noted and priced appropriately. The unit does function without the battery (running off of ac of course). But don't bother doing any firmware updates without the battery installed.

I ordered a battery from China and it arrived within a week to the US (impressive). I was able to finish the firmware update for my particular model and it works great!
Glad to hear everything worked out OK for you. That delivery time is impressive.:eek: