Samsung Crashes iPhone 4S Launch Party in Australia by Selling $2 SGS2s Next Door


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

Now, this is the way you compete with someone in the marketplace! You don't need to try and annihilate them with ridiculous lawsuits. You setup shop right next door to their launch party and outsell them with a better product and amazing prices. That is exactly what Samsung recently did to Apple in Australia. Apparently, Samsung opened up a store right next door to Apple's big iPhone 4S launch location in Australia during their launch block party. Not only that, but they offered a crazy special on the Galaxy SII. The promo was the first ten customers each day until Friday, get the Galaxy S II for just $2 without a contract!

The marketing campaign actually worked like gang-busters. Reports are that the lines for the Samsung store are longer than for the Apple store. Take lessons Apple, this is the way free enterprise is supposed to work...

Source: via Engadget
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They arent next door to each other, there is a McDonalds inbetween the two stores.

Unfortunately though Samsung decided to only offer the Galaxy SII for $2 with Australia's worst telephone company Vodafone. In this case the Galaxy SII would be better than the iPhone as long as you didnt actually use it to for phone calls. For a comical view on how bad vodafone (or commonly known as vodafail) is in Australia check out (warning excessive language used :)
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No matter what people say, Galaxy S II has defeated iPhone 4s in all fronts.

Except, of course, in reality. No offense but no single company can touch Apple yet.

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Except, of course, in reality. No offense but no single company can touch Apple yet.

Yet...Apple is suing Samsung, the company that supplies their processors for the phones and tablets amongst other things. If I had Apple stock I'd definately sell and buy into Samsung.