Samsung Galaxy 5/4 Player Sub-Forum?


Nov 30, 2010
First, I want to say I'm entirely blown away by the absolute perfection that is the Samsung Galaxy 5 player.
To that end, I'm guessing others may feel the same way too.

Could we have a sub-forum for Samsung Galaxy 4.0 and 5.0 players?
I totally second this! I'm a huge fan of the Player 5 I got just before the holidays and would like to interact with others who are feeling the love - or not! - for this mini-tab. Since I'm entirely new to Android, I sometimes have questions that could be player- or platform-related and I need help sorting them out.
The form factor of the Player 5.0 fits my needs best. Small enough to fit in the pocket. Large enough to browse a non-mobile website. Pairs with my MS bluetooth mobile keyboard and includes GPS for general mapping, navigation and tracking. Awesome.