Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 Automatically Reboots After Shutting Down


Mar 24, 2013
Hi everyone. I am writing this post on behalf of my wife who owns a Galaxy Tab 2 10.1. When she turns the unit off, it automatically reboots back on again and this problem just started occurring right after a major update (I assume the update was to 4.2 jelly bean from 4.1). I have searched the internet for issues like this from other users and what I'm reading is that the machine should be reset to factory defaults. Is there any way that I can downgrade back down to JB 4.1? Thank you for any responses in advance as I am fairly new at tablets. :p
A downgrade back to 4.1.1 would require a data and cache clear (essentially a factory reset), anyway, so try a factory reset, first. (But first back up any data/files, such as photos, music, etc., beforehand.) It's not uncommon to have to do an FR after an OS upgrade.

Alternatively: How to downgrade from Jelly Bean 4.2.2 to 4.1.1 - Android Forums

Or dump Samsung's crappy software entirely and install CyanogenMod. That's what I did, Friday night. So far I'm quite pleased with the results. My wife did the Samsung 4.2.2 "upgrade" to her Tab 2 10.1 and likes it not. If I'm still happy with CM in another week, we'll install a couple games she likes on my tablet to make sure they work correctly and, if so, it'll be "bye-bye bloated, bug-ridden, security-vulnerability-riddled, generally crappy Samsung software" for her, too.

Semijim, does the ir blaster work with cm?
No. It allegedly did with a previous release, but not as of 10.1.x. 10.1.x is actually the P5110 ROM, which is a P5113 w/o the IR blaster.

I didn't care, because, IME and opinion: The Peel remote application was all but worthless. Even had that not been the case: The IR Blaster on my Vizio VTAB1008 was actually kind of all right, and I never used it, anyway.

The peel app sucks. I wish they would just have a standard tv guide grid. I use ir remote app for basic tv functions. That combined with my Chromecast running Netflix and YouTube make this tablet a pretty fair tv companion.. I guess I will stick with the stock update for now. 4.1.1 was really much nicer. What are the Chances Samsung will put out a bug fix? I've had a dozen tablets but I'm new to Samsung. I am disappointed to see the same general complaints about this "flagship" brand every other brand deals with.
4.1.1 was really much nicer.
Yeah, but 4.1.1 had known security vulnerabilities and the infamous clipboard crash bug, so...

Even 4.2.2 retains at least one big (IMO) security vulnerability: Samsung's custom clipboard. Even if they fixed the crash bug (the existence of which they never formally admitted): It still has the problem of stuff you copy into there may have persistence long after you would expect. This means things like keyrings that give you the ability to paste passwords directly into the clipboard and then expect to automatically overwrite them after a time delay, may well not succeed in doing so.

What are the Chances Samsung will put out a bug fix?
You see my signature? Samsung has an execrable reputation for mobile device firmware quality and addressing bugs/vulnerabilities. Nice hardware, tho.
