Samsung Galaxy Tab wi-fi only

$499? Really? Samsung is getting a bit full of themselves. At $399 it would be a definite runner for the Android tablet to get in 2010 but at $499 it's way more than the impending competition. Oooh well. Maybe Samsung will see lackluster sales and drop the price by $100 for the holidays?
Good chance this is an early-adopter price (especially since it isn't out in the US yet!). I'd say count on seeing $400 in 2011. The competition will help too.

Well if I'm gonna spend anything between $299~$499 I need to make sure it's gonna give me some of the best features that gonna last me through several upgrades. Longetivity even that that's oxymoron with technology devices.
I hate to say it. But I predicted this back in late August/early September. The consumer sales model revolves around the Friday after US Thanksgiving. This is both unfortunate and frustrating. It also why come December, there will be outrageous prices on the 'Bay for potentially this and the Archos units that make it to the owner. Those who are willing to wait until spring will find more competitive prices for the units as well. I may be wrong but here is my prediction for the Huiwei, Samsung, and Archos units.

Release date to Black Friday -List Price
Black Friday thru Black Monday -List Price -up to 25% off.
Post Black Monday thru Christmas Week List Price up to 2.5x List on EBay
March 2011 - 75% of List Price

But that is just my guess and opinion
I think you're right Gurgle. It would follow the pattern shown by other "hot" devices that's for sure. Unfortunatly I don't think I can wait until the price drops, especially after playing with an iPad today. I really want that 7 inch Galaxy badly.
I would buy if for around $350 but anything above? - nope, I don't need it THAT much... even if it looks really sexy.
It's been confirmed at a store I called that they will be selling the wifi version and is believed the $499 price will be correct although not fully confirmed.

Think I will going tomorrow to place my preorder in.
Well this may be the reason why the wifi version was avail for preorder when I tried to go the other day.

Samsung's Wi-Fi only Galaxy Tab quietly sitting at FCC | Electronista

The Wi-Fi-only version of the Samsung Galaxy Tab that's due at Best Buy has now been confirmed and approved by the FCC, a filing showed. The device carries the GT-P1010 model number and lacks a 3G data connection, sporting only Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. The Wi-Fi only version will cost $500 at Best Buy, while the 3G-connected versions will cost $599 with a contract.
Best Buy should offer the Galaxy Tab in silver for Verizon and in black for Sprint. When the devices arrive at Best Buy isn't known, but it should be sometime in November, as Sprint will launch its version on November 14, while Verizon will begin selling its variant on November 11. [via SamsungHub]

Read more: Samsung's Wi-Fi only Galaxy Tab quietly sitting at FCC | Electronista
I do not believe that the Galaxy Tab, wifi only version, has internal GPS. I know that a lot of people do not care about this, but that makes it much less appealing in my view.
I've had no answer from Samsung; I asked if the GPS in the Galaxy tab worked with google3 maps or Navionics.