saving/downloading pictures on the iconia A500 plz help!!!


May 29, 2011
hi i recently purchased the iconia A500 and no matter what i have tried i just cant save any oictures off my facebook page to my iconia gallary i do what i think is saving it then it seems to only save the link and has open/view next to it which does show me the picture but i need it in my gallary so i can then upload it to facebook again plz plz can some1 help me i seem to be going crazy over something so simple thanks :) xxx
lol seriously? ive tried that many times believe you me, i need to know the actual technique of doing it. ie long press then comes up with same image etc etc except thats not the way this time x
Umm, yes seriously. That's what caused the Gallery to re-index for me.

I can't make heads or tails out of what "technique" you are asking about in your response.
As a workaround, you can download dropbox, log onto a computer, save the pics to dropbox, and pick them up on your Iconia. All is not lost...
yeah but the whole idea was so that i didnt have to use my computer i dont want to have to ba back and forth betweenthe two for the sake of a few photos there has to be a way humppfhh if a bix standerd mobile can then surely a tablet pc can x
Did you try viewing the image by itself and then saving it? As in long press, then press view image, then try saving it. That might work but I'm not sure since I don't use facebook.
when i view it as the picture on facebook i can long hold and it comes up save image i click save image then it downloads this link and u can see it on the bottom screen to the right then u click that and it just has the link with view/open and go to page. then i click view it asks with what and gives me a choice to view in gallary so i click gallary the pic comes up then i just cant do owt with it. not save to gallary or anythin. its just if i wamt to upload a picture to anything it only lets me select images from my gallary xx
Have you used a file manager (like Astro, for example) to look in your Downloads folder? That may just be where they are. They wouldn't go to your gallery, as they're considered downloads, I believe. If they're there, you can use the file manager to move them to your Pictures folder, where they should then show up in your gallery.
when i view it as the picture on facebook i can long hold and it comes up save image i click save image then it downloads this link and u can see it on the bottom screen to the right then u click that and it just has the link with view/open and go to page. then i click view it asks with what and gives me a choice to view in gallary so i click gallary the pic comes up then i just cant do owt with it. not save to gallary or anythin. its just if i wamt to upload a picture to anything it only lets me select images from my gallary xx

I'm seeing something similar.
I long press a picture on a web page, and select save.
A black box comes up saying download started.
You tap on the icon in the status bar, and often it says "Download Failed".

So I emailed one of the sites I was having problems with, and he said:

This is a problem with the Android Download manager, which does not support Basic HTTP Authentication. Therefore, if you need to log into a site, you might not be able to save images from that site because the browser hands off the actual download to the download manager upon Long Press. Until the download manager gets fixed you can use Opera, which simply saves from its own cache rather than re-downloading it again.

So first check that your download actually WORKED before trying to launch the Gallery to find your image, because chances are that if you had to Log In to the site (facebook), it did NOT work, (tap the notification in bottom bar to check download status).

Further followup: So I did download Opera and it worked. I was able to download the images from a server I had to log into. And its a pretty nice browser as well. Check it out.

Oh, and if you want cool wall-papers for your Acer check out
Members (cheap) even get images pre-sized for the Acer ( choose Xoom size). Awesome wallpapers.
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So Icebike - this is happening in the default browser and not Opera? (I use Dolphin, so probably wouldn't have noticed the problem either...)
Correct, it happens in the default browser because the default browser hands off downloads to the download manager.

Dolphin is just a thin wrapper around the stock browser. It does not have its own browser engine. It is not a separate browser.
Downloads fail with Dolphin mini for me.

This only happens when you have to log onto a site. On sites with no login there is no problem with any browser.
So unless you test with a web site that requires authentication you will not see this problem and you might think your browser is not affected.
That makes sense. I am using Dolphin HD, beta 3 though, so that might also make a difference. I have gotten every download I've attempted while using Dolphin - so far.
When you long press an image and. Black pop up appears asking if you want to view, save, or set as wallpaper then you can be sure that the download manager is handling this operation and it will fail on any authenticated site, and you have just been lucky so far.