Screen not responding to touch


May 13, 2011
Hi everyone, just got the Transformer (without dock) today and set it up at work, played with it for bit and everthing was working fine.

Got home about 2 hours ago and now when I wake it from Sleep, the touch screen is not responding at all. Have tried everything, power is 98%, plugged into a PC, did the hard reboot. Eventually did the system restore and wiping the data to start setup again. But all to no avail.

The screen isn't responding at all. Its very frustrating as I want to play with it some more!!!

The system was stock standard, no rooting or firmware update. It was running 3.0.1.

Hope someone has experienced this and can help.
sounds like mine, now I am Transformer-Less :(

Back to Walmart it went since Asus wanted me to pay for shipping on a 1 day old unit......
Having the same problem with screen (thank God I got the keyboard). Hard reset did nothing.

One question; I notice that the device is on Android 3.0.1 - I thought we were up to 3.1? It should upgrade automatically or is there something I can do to force upgrade?

May not fix the screen but still.

Edit: Just noticed, now the sound has vanished too. Hmm.
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