Screen Shot...


Mar 28, 2011
OK, I can't find a working screen grabber to save my life. The ones that work on my rooted phone (name one...) don't work on my tab. I've tried ShootMe, PicMe (both of which say I'm not rooted and trust me, I'm rooted...), Screenshot It, Screenshot, and a couple of others that I can't think of right now. What does this talented team suggest? ;)

So, Google is once again my friend... I remembered reading about Screenshot ER but after going through the succession of others, I was/am hesitant to give $3 and find out that yet another doesn't work. Anyone use it with success?
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Update ... another site that I belong to gives the apk to its members for free. It works VERY well, so I bought it from the market to support the developer's work.

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Ive been using screenshot ER for sometime since the DEV's first got it to work (it worked for the gTab as well as Honeycomb tabs)...

Thank you VERY much for the follow up on your post. I wasn't aware that they had now made it a paid item in the market since the initial release. I will absolutely go back and purchase it to support the work!
You're welcome, Steve. I knew I would find the answer, I was just too impatient at the time. LOL